November 1, 2018

Sex Toys 101 - Q&A: My Dirty Little Secrets Revealed

Sex Toys 101 - Q&A:

My Dirty Little Secrets Revealed

Who am I?

Q: Are you really a girl?
A: Yes! I know it may be hard to believe since this is the internet and all, but I am a bona fide female.

Q: Do you actually look like the girl in your review pictures?
A: Somewhat. The body type and hairstyle are fairly accurate, but my ears aren't actually gauged and my hair is bubblegum pink now.

Q: In real life, do you have the tattoos that appear on you in your drawings?
A: Yes I do! I am especially fond of my thigh tattoos.

Blog & Toys

Q: What made you want to start a blog about sex toys?
A: Miss Behaving's Closet of Curiosities was born out of the exhilarating yet misinformed experience I had with a Sybian, which you can read about here if you haven't already. My expectations were based purely on reviews I read online or reactions I witnessed in porn videos, which of course are usually heavily exaggerated. Although I had a wonderful time, it wasn't what I expected since the bar had been set so high. I wanted to find a way to share my thoughts and opinions in a genuine and candid manner to prevent someone else from repeating my experience, and that expanded into, "Well, why not review some other toys while you're at it?" My lady thought it was a great idea and encouraged me to turn it into a side project.

Q: If you had to take a guess, what do you think is the ratio of male to female readers of your reviews?
A: I've actually been surprised by the number of female readers/viewers I've had the pleasure of interacting with, but I'm fairly confident my male readers are far more numerous. If I had to guess, I'd say 88% male to 12% female?

Q: When buying toys do you prefer online or physical stores when making a purchase?
A: Definitely online. If I need to, I'll go to a physical store to get a feel for a toy, but 95% of my purchases are on Amazon. The price is always significantly lower even after shipping, sometimes up to a $40 difference. I wish I could support local businesses by buying in-store, but my bank account can't afford that luxury so I have to pinch pennies where I can.

Q: Do you use some of your toys with a partner or are most toys only for solo play?
A: Most of my toys are used in solo play, but there are two specifically that I use with my lady. The Shibari Halo Wand is an absolute staple for us during sex since we both benefit from it, and we also have a strap-on that I haven't had the chance to review yet that is used exclusively for me since my lady doesn't like penetration.

Q: Biggest dildo you ever tried?
A: I used to have a Bad Dragon medium-sized Flint that was the thickest toy I've ever owned to this day. It was roughly 6 in (15 cm) wide and nearly 12 in (30.5 cm) long. This is another toy I plan to review down the road, and unfortunately it didn't get to see much use because I couldn't fit more than half of it inside me.

Q: Worst sex toy experience (preferably not one that just didn't work)?
A: The Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls are still the absolute worse experience I've ever had with a toy thus far. It was messy, uncomfortable and extremely lackluster.

Q: What's a sex toy you've always wanted?
A: A toy that's been on my radar for nearly a year is the Satisfyer Pro 2. I'm utterly fascinated with this toy, and I really want to get my hands on one to try it out. It turns me on just thinking about its potential~

Q: In your reviews, you talk a lot about needing clit vibrations to get off. Have you ever gotten off without it?
A: There have been a handful of instances when I've been able to orgasm without needing clitoral stimulation: the very first time I tried the Tentacle, once with the Double Dong, once with the Pipedream Icicle No. 8, and when I had some raunchy anal sex with my lady in a hotel (in which I came multiple times, I might add ♥).

Q: If you were stranded on an island with your significant other, food, water, and a source of electricity. Which toy would you choose if you were limited to only bring a single toy with you?
A: Initially, I was going to choose my Shibari Halo Wand, but both my lady and I have talented fingers and I'd much rather bring our strap-on for those moments when I crave a thick rod inside me. No electricity needed!

Sexual Experiences

Q: What's your favorite sex position?
A: Downward doggystyle, or to be more specific, the "Concubine" position.

Q: What's the best sexual experience you've ever had (with a toy or person)?
A: The absolute best experience I've ever had was the very first time my lady went down on me. Up until that point, I'd never been able to get off during sex without assisting in some capacity, usually needing to stimulate myself into orgasm. But with a lot of talent and a tremendous amount of patience and stamina, my lady was able to bring me to climax without my hands moving an inch off the pillow. I came so hard I nearly seized, and I couldn't uncurl my fingers for a good five minutes afterwards because my muscles were so tensed. It's one of my fondest and most delicious memories of her. ♥

Q: Have you always been with girls or have you dated guys in the past?
A: When I was much younger and still confused about my sexuality, I only dated guys casually, although I had major crushes on a few of my female friends that I never acted on. In late middle school and high school, I dated my best friend (a girl) for several years in secret, then I was in a long-term relationship with a guy during college. While I was with him though, I always felt like a part of me was missing, and this caused a lot of tension and dissatisfaction that factored into our eventual break up. But I'm very happy to say my wife makes me feel complete in more ways than I could've imagined.

Q: Top 5 fetishes?
A: 1. Size difference / size queen
2. Squirting / creampie
3. Tentacles
4. Fucked silly / mind-break
5. Pokephilia

Q: Do you have a fantasy fetish you wish you could do irl?
A: I really wish I could have a tentacle monster as a pet to fuck me silly on a whim. Consentacles are the best!

Q: If you could make love to any fantasy creature, what would it be?
A: If this also implies it won't kill me during or after the act, probably a werewolf.

Q: Tentacles or slime?
A: As much as I love slimes, my first love still belongs to tentacles, always and forever.

Q: To face sit, or have ones face sat upon?
A: I like my women like I like my glasses: sitting on my face.

Q: What's the sexiest outfit you can think of?
A: What I personally find extremely sexy is a mini dress that ends just below the butt, long enough to actually cover everything but short enough that her movements tease you in hopes that you just might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of something delicious. Pair that with thigh-high stockings and boots and I'm utterly smitten. ♥

Q: I love your drawings of girls squirting out their love juices when they climax. Do you or your girlfriend squirt?
A: Sadly no, neither my wife nor I are squirters, although that's not something I pine after because I can only imagine the sheer volume of sheets and towels I'd have to wash if one of us was, haha. I'm satisfied just having it as a viewing fetish.

Q: Would you rather be a in relationship with your perfect romantic partner but have to share her/him, or have several lovers who you are the perfect romantic partner to?
A: Several lovers I'm the perfect partner for, absolutely and without hesitation. I am a very jealous and possessive person, and the thought of having to share my lover with someone else is enough to throw me into crippling depression and anxiety. If I can't belong to one person, I don't want to belong to anyone at all. I'd rather be the perfect girl no one can possess and consequently break a lot of hearts than belong to someone but suffer the feeling that my partner needs to seek someone else because I'm not good enough or I'm lacking something they want. (Fun personal fact, this is exactly how my last serious relationship ended so this question hits pretty close to home.)


Q: What program do you use to color your drawings?
A: Photoshop CC 2015

Q: What's your process to do your art?
A: First, I start by gathering lots of references for poses, costumes, characters, etc. until I feel confident that I have enough material to work with. Next, I create a pencil sketch in my sketchbook. From there depending on the type of commission/illustration I'm doing, I either scan the sketch directly to my laptop and begin the coloring process or refine the drawing and print out a copy to trace clean final lines in a separate sketchbook. That image is then scanned and colors are added in Photoshop to create the final picture.

Q: Do you only draw using a tablet or do you use other mediums such as pencils or ink when sketching and drawing?
A: My actual drawing process is always done traditionally with pencil first. I find I get better nuances in shading and form with a mechanical pencil than I ever can digitally. I usually reserve the digital aspect of my work just for colors and small sketch modifications. I'm starting to grow a bit more comfortable drawing with a tablet, but it imparts a completely different feel compared to my pencil drawings which is not always the desired effect I'm after. I'm also much faster with a pencil than a tablet. For example, the exclusive illustration that comes with my Belle en Rose comic was done entirely in Photoshop because I thought it might be a fun practice challenge. That piece took me over a week to completely finish compared to the three or four days it would've taken if I had done it in pencil first. The hair alone took four days.

Q: Do you have a favourite tool for art? e.g. a piece of software/tablet, a type of pen/pencil.
A: Definitely a classic 5 mm mechanical pencil.

Q: What inspired you to begin drawing? Particularly what drew you into the X-rated artwork?
A: Art kind of runs in my family. My grandmother was a painter, my father is very hands-on and craftsy, my mother used to do a lot of needlepoint and crochet, and my brother is a graphic designer. I've been drawing ever since I can remember because I loved that I could actually put on paper what others can only imagine. Since I developed the talent and ability to create anything my mind could conjure, I wanted to be part of that exclusive 1% club that creates content for others to enjoy. And since the porn corner of the internet offers a lucrative business for those who are willing to put in the effort, I thought, "Why the hell not?" It also gives me an opportunity to continue practicing and challenging myself with various body proportions and positions while also occasionally working with content I normally wouldn't choose to draw on my own. I get to expand my horizons as an artist.
TL;DR, it's a lot of fun!

Q: How did your style evolve?
A: Style happens on its own the more you practice and the more you're influenced by the things that inspire you. I was told early on that you should never force your style because it will come naturally,. Just keep at it and you'll see! It may take several slow years, but you'll definitely notice a difference if you keep practicing. My style of work in middle school compared to what I do now is almost unrecognizable as coming from the same person, but I'm proud of how far I've come. I went from a heavy (poorly drawn) manga style to more realistic one but with a hint of my comic/manga roots. I think it's charming, but I'll leave that for you to decide as a viewer.

Q: What parts of nsfw artwork do you enjoy drawing vs. what things are more difficult?
A: I absolutely love working with facial expressions. I've always been drawn to portraiture and capturing a person's likeness, and it was a skill I tried to perfect while in college. I find expressions of the purest ecstasy and release rather arousing so I pay special attention to this detail in my work. As for the most difficult parts, hands are and always will be a challenge. I like to think I'm much better at drawing hands and feet than I used to be, but they still give me trouble at times. The proportions are very specific, and it's easy for a foreshortened hand to look malformed and lumpy.

Q: Least favourite thing to draw?
A: I actually really don't like drawing legs, haha. I know, it's a rather strange answer. In comparison to the intricate nature of faces, hands and genitals, I find legs really boring. I enjoy drawing hips and at times calves, but legs don't offer a lot of mental stimulation for me so I tend to get impatient.

Q: What steps do you take in drawing hair? It looks awesome!
A: Drawing hair is actually the equivalent of meditation for me, haha. Especially when it comes to curly hair like Annabelle's, all of the swirls are methodical yet therapeutic once I get into it, and it's easy for me to get lost in thought rendering it all out. I start with a quick loose scribble to plan out the general shape. Then I refine the scribble with larger specific chunks that will eventually become defined curls and strands. And then finally, I add more detailed lines to flesh out the form. It's really hard to explain my process with just words, so due to popular demand, I plan to put out a step-by-step tutorial to show exactly how I do it.

Q: Did anything or anyone in particular influence the design of your character, Annabelle?
A: Annabelle is partially based off of me as a sort of fursona and partially inspired by a sheep girl I've been drawing on and off for the past four years. She never had a name until recently, and her design has evolved since her first depiction. I used her as an outlet for my most severe anxiety and depressive episodes, so she's been used and abused quite a bit as a sort of sacrificial lamb. But I refined her personality, solidified her design and gave her a much happier ending I think.

Q: Do you have a perfect environment for drawing? e.g. lounging around in the evening, or working hard at a desk.
A: I prefer sitting at my desk when I'm drawing with pencil but sitting on the couch when I'm coloring on my laptop.

Q: Whats your favorite color to use when designing/adopting characters?
A: I try to pick colors based on the theme or personality of the character, but I tend to default to pink often.

Q: Favorite Pokemon to draw for smuttery?
A: Any of those hard to level-up dragons like Dragonite or Salamence. Their monstrous dicks are perfect for getting some inexperienced trainers into trouble~

Q: Have you ever had anyone else draw you?
A: While I was in college, I used to be a figure model in life-drawing classes so there might be some studies of me floating around somewhere, but other than that no, not to my knowledge.

Q: When are you gonna draw a new comic yo?
A: I've got a brand-new one in the works right now! I'm planning to release it in early January 2019.

Q: What's the cooldown on drawing you new fanart?
A: My body is always ready for fanart, no cool-down necessary. Fuck me up, fam! But in all seriousness, it's such a humbling experience receiving fanart especially when I'm still trying to carve out my niche in the art world. It's always greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

Random Personal Tidbits

Q: Does pineapple belong on pizza?
A: Pineapple ABSOLUTELY belongs on pizza.

Q: Favorite type of food? (American, Italian, etc)
A: Italian!

Q: What's your favorite dessert?
A: Cookies 'n cream anything! Mousse, ice-cream, pudding, you name it.

Q: Cake or pie?
A: Pie!

Q: Favorite type of music? Especially when you work?
A: I listen to a wide variety of music depending on my mood, but I particularly enjoy electronic music such as house and drum 'n bass. I listen to a lot of IIDX music when I'm driving because I have a great sound system in my car. But I also enjoy classic rock, indie, hip hop, 1920s and 80s. When I work though, I prefer more ambient or instrumental music like game soundtracks or chillout. Lately, I'll just pull up a YouTube "let's play" when I'm at my desk or when my lady is awake, we'll watch a movie or TV show in the background while I work on the couch.

Q: Favourite mythological creature?
A: Mermaids!

Q: Who's your favorite superhero/superheroine?
A: I'm not big into the superhero scene, but I really like Iron Man (especially Robert Downey Jr.'s variation ♥). I love that his "superpower" is his intellect which he harnesses to build his suit but otherwise has no other remarkable otherworldly traits.

Q: Who's your favorite supervillain/supervillainess?
A: It may be cliche, but I do like the Joker especially when you get into the comic book lore and revisions of his character. What appeals to me is, like with Iron Man, he doesn't have any supernatural powers. He's just absolutely insane.

Q: Pokemon, Digimon, or neither?
A: Pokemon obviously! Have you seen my galleries? :p

Q: What is your favourite colour? (In a Tim the Enchanter voice, naturally)
A: Haha, I dig the reference. Blue!

Q: Favorite outside activity?
A: Haha, does Pokemon GO count? In all seriousness, I really enjoy rustic camping.

Q: Would you rather hug a strong girl or a chubby girl from behind?
A: Probably a strong girl because I get to feel the muscle under soft skin. It's a win-win!

Q: Maws or paws, which do you prefer?
A: Paws!

Q: Biggest pet peeve?
A: Customers who make assumptions (loudly) to the person they're with about a product when they are absolutely in the wrong, but when you try to correct them gently so they'll be more informed, they criticize or ignore you. I love dealing with this on a daily basis in retail...

Q: Do you have a celebrity crush and have you ever drawn or imagined them in a sexual situation?
A: I have a massive lady-boner for Ellen Page even before she came out. I'm not attracted to celebrities enough to imagine them in sexual situations, and I haven't drawn Ellen Page, sexualized or not, but if I ever get around to playing The Last of Us and creating subsequent fanart, I guess technically I will have then.

Q: Do you have any waifus/husbandos?
A: I used to have a pretty sizable list when I was in high school, but I've grown out of most of my fictional crushes. Some of them included Jin from Samurai Champloo, Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist. The only two that have persisted to this day are the Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Bianca from Spyro: Year of the Dragon, haha.

Q: Should Pluto be a planet again?
A: No. The scientific reasons for why Pluto is categorized as a dwarf planet make the utmost sense, and people who demand Pluto to be a planet again are just reacting to nostalgia. I really don't want to clutter up this Q&A by citing articles so here is a brief list of research and evidence to back up my claim:
National Geographic
Morgridge Institute for Research
The Library of Congress

Q: If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you take with you?
A: My wife. :3 Because two heads are better than one when it comes to survival. But if that's not a satisfactory answer, a how-to survival guide.

Q: What are you eating RIGHT NOW?!
A: Homemade apple crisp!

Thank you everyone for participating with your thoughtful and interesting questions! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me as an artist, writer and person and will continue to support me in the future!

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Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

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