May 1, 2017

The Tentacle: When Fantasies Become Reality

The Tentacle

When Fantasies Become Reality

My best friend from college introduced me to Bad Dragon a few years back, an online adult toy company that caters to an audience of "special" tastes, and I remember the first time I browsed through their website, it completely blew my mind. I had no idea a company out there actually created these dream toys! Fantasies I believed only existed in the imagination teased me from behind the screen, only a click away from being delivered to my doorstep. Their toys ranged from borderline bizarre to tantalizingly tasteful, and I instantly made it a goal to save up for one of these works of art. Daily, I visited the adoptions section (pre-made toys ready to ship out the next day versus a custom toy that takes 2-3 weeks to manufacture) hoping to find the perfect addition to my growing collection, and finally one day in class, I found it: The Tentacle.

I admit I have a raging love for tentacles, and when it comes time to stroke the kitty, it's my default search term. Bad Dragon's Tentacle immediately caught my eye, but I hesitated to create my own right away because I had no idea what I wanted out of it yet, and I refused to commit to something I might regret buying later on. I had no clue what firmness worked best, what size I could afford and what color scheme I preferred. But then that day during study hall, I found a lovely Tentacle that I realized offered all of the features I needed as a newbie customer: medium size, medium firmness, and, as a cherry on top, the color scheme reminded me of a Creamsicle with a white underside and bright citrus-orange body. It was perfect. And a week later, I tore open the box and welcomed my toy to the family.

Bad Dragon's merchandise tends to hit the wallet fairly hard, but at least you have the peace of mind knowing every cent of your purchase goes towards a high-quality and long-lasting product. I hesitate to call it an investment, but purchasing one on a whim too often may cause a hole in your finances. All of their toys come in such a wide variety of firmness levels, sizes and colors that I will concentrate on just the features my Tentacle has rather than break down an entire list. A medium-sized Tentacle costs a base price of $85, which is how much I paid for mine as an adoption, but a Tentacle with the same customized color scheme created from scratch costs $105 instead. Custom colors outside their available palettes and some design combinations increase the final price by $10-$20. A medium Tentacle provides a total length of 8.25 in (21 cm) with a usable length of 5.75 in (14.6 cm) though depending on the firmness of the toy and your determination, more can fit inside you, as I discovered. The shaft ranges from a diameter of 1.3 in (3.3 cm)/3.5 in (8.9 cm) circumference at the head to 2.6 in (6.6 cm)/8.1 in (20.6 cm) circumference at the base. If you need more detailed size descriptions, Bad Dragon has a thorough list of dimensions for each product allowing you to compare sizes (mini to x-large) so you can decide which works best for your purposes.

But the texture is more important than the size in this case, the crown jewel of this toy! Although first impressions may assume the suckers will stick to your skin, they only function on an aesthetic and textural level and are not biologically accurate. Regardless of the firmness you select, these suckers always remain stiff and hold their shape allowing for excellent sensations going in. I feel every ridge move in and out of me, and the G-spot stimulation it provides is phenomenal! I can never climax without some form of clitoral stimulation, but I experienced an orgasm with G-spot stimulation alone using this toy. And the wide distribution of the suckers means that as long as you have it facing the right direction, you will always feel those little helpers bringing you closer to the edge.

I really appreciate the quality Bad Dragon puts into their materials, one of the reasons I don't mind forking out a little extra money to purchase one. Each toy contains 100% platinum-cured silicone, a type of molding rubber known for having one of the longest life spans and the least amount of shrinkage from temperature fluctuation. However, I noticed with this type of silicone that it tends to leave grease marks on surfaces. No amount of washing removes it so it may be a side-effect of the bonds in the rubber, but Bad Dragon promises this material is non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Still, beware when storing your toy. My Tentacle ruined a few boxes when I left it in one place for too long allowing the grease to soak into the surface. I recommend a durable non-toxic plastic, cloth-lined or glass container and to avoid porous surfaces such as wood or laminated cardboard. And whatever you do, do not leave it on your IKEA nightstand for more than a few days unless you want a permanent mark from your friend.

The Tentacle has a weighty base so it stands up on its own with zero difficulty, though the softer the body is, the more it may flop around from gravity. The medium firmness I have lets it keep its shape fairly well with only minor tipping from the weight of the head. It also provides a nice balance when intimately used because while it holds its shape, it is also very flexible permitting me to cram most of the length inside me. I love plopping it down on my computer chair and hanging onto the chair back while I ride it into the ground. The weight of the base starts to wear on the wrist if you hold it up for too long, so riding it cowgirl style is a match made in heaven. Depending on your preferred firmness, the Tentacle may behave differently than what I described. A softer shaft might have more trouble fitting through tight entrances, and a firm form might not yield as easily to the natural movements of your body. Thankfully, Bad Dragon offers an inexpensive sample set that you can purchase and fiddle with at your leisure to determine which firmness works best for your needs before ordering.

The only major gripe I have with the Tentacle is not through any fault of its own. From its design and from its manner of advertisement, this toy is clearly intended for anal use, but my selected firmness makes it too soft for me to attempt it. I use it solely as a vaginal dildo, and while it certainly gets the job done, the head creates some cumbersome issues inside, and I wish the overall shaft had a thicker diameter or at least tapered less dramatically. I really have to wriggle my body down to the base to receive the most out of the toy. But it manages to work wonders for me, and I acknowledge I fail to use it for its intended purpose. Still, no regrets!

So, do I recommend this little fella? Absolutely! I only caution that you thoroughly research the types of features you want yours to have before ordering because unfortunately, Bad Dragon accepts returns only if the toy has a defect, so choose wisely. Grab a tape measure and calculate the size or compare it to a toy you already own for scale. Bad Dragon dildos are each unique in their own way so you want to know the one you finally order is the right match for you. Sadly, consentacles don't exist in real life, and no matter how hard you wish, they won't. But that doesn't mean this can't be a close second. I know it's mine!


Size: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Texture: ★★★★★

Material: ★★★★☆

Ease of use: ★★★★☆

Effectiveness: ★★★★☆

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For more info:


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