December 1, 2017

Sex Toys 101 - Materials: The Good, the Bad, and Phthalates

Sex Toys 101 - Materials:

The Good, the Bad and Phthalates

I decided to give my readers a little end-of-the-year special. While it's entertaining to read about my exploits and consider acquiring some of these toys yourself (or just imagining me with them), I'm realizing people might not understand the variety of materials that combine to create a sex toy. Why should you care if something is made out of a high-quality silicone versus rubber? And what the hell is a phthalate? This month, I provide you with a breakdown of the different types of materials an adult toy might contain ranked from hazardous waste to gift of the gods. I hope this will educate you and arm you with an arsenal of understanding the next time you want to add to or start your own collection.

Before we begin our list, here are a few important things to consider: The porosity of a toy will tell you right away whether the material is body-safe or not. If a toy is more porous, it is much harder to clean. Porous toys cannot be sterilized whether that involves boiling or high steam because the heat causes the material to melt and disintegrate. Because you can't clean it properly, bacteria grow and flourish on and in the toy. The next time you have some alone time, you're exposing your body to these bacteria, and if you cross-contaminate orally, vaginally or anally, or if you share the toy with someone else, you or they have a higher chance of suffering from an infection. Porous toys also tend to have more flexibility because they are treated with chemical softeners that can leak out of the toy and into you over time.

In the sex toy industry, materials are not regulated. There isn't an FDA for dildos so cheap toys can be chalk full of harmful chemicals. This brings us to phthalates (tha-lates). Phthalates are a common chemical plasticizer combined into numerous base materials like plastic to make them stay squishy. While very cheap to manufacture, phthalates are a known carcinogen and can cause neurological and reproductive harm. This is exceptionally alarming if you're a woman exposing your vagina and uterus to these destructive chemicals. This is why it's so important to avoid any toy that may contain phthalates. Even toys that claim to be phthalate-free may not actually be, so be very careful about what you put inside your body.

There are a handful of telltale signs in a toy that should raise some red flags. Extremely bendy or squishy toys, especially if they are partially or fully translucent, most likely contain some sort of softening agent to give them that flexibility. Toys like this should be avoided or used sparingly and with a condom to avoid absorbing any harmful chemicals. Strong rubbery or unpleasant smells may also indicate poor chemical bonding that will eventually break down over time. When you take a toy out of the package for the first time, it's understandable if it may smell funny for a little while. But if it persists especially after you've washed it several times, this is a good indicator of poor-quality materials. Oily surface build-up or discharge is also an excellent warning that the toy is degrading and releasing chemicals, usually the phthalates I mentioned. Also check for discoloration as another sign. But enough fine print and warning labels, we proceed to the list itself!

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Porousness: ★☆☆☆☆

Cleanliness: ★☆☆☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★☆☆☆☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Longevity: ★☆☆☆☆

Overall rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Possibly the absolute worst thing to put inside you, jelly toys are made from the cheapest materials available in the adult toy industry and are formed from an unstable blend of rubber and plastic. Because this chemical concoction is so easy to produce, the resulting toys come with a super cheap price tag that lures inexperienced buyers into snagging one or two to experiment with as their first toy, and the infinite array of colors, shapes and sizes also make them an even more appealing buy; but it's best to save up a little extra in the piggy bank for a much higher quality toy. Jellies always contain phthalates giving them their telltale softness and flexibility. These toys are extremely porous and cannot be sterilized which leads to bacteria build-up and degradation over time. They give off a pronounced rubbery smell and taste and are best avoided entirely. But if you truly have your heart set on one, it's advised you use it with a condom. Or use it for a very short period of time before disposing of it completely (a feasible option at such a bargain). You must also be aware of how you store jellies because they interact with other jellies and rubber + plastic blend toys by "melting" together due to their unstable chemical compounds. Use water or silicone-based lubrication with jelly toys but avoid anything oil-based as it causes the phthalates to leech out more readily.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

Porousness: ★☆☆☆☆

Cleanliness: ★☆☆☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★☆☆☆☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Longevity: ★☆☆☆☆

Overall rating: ★☆☆☆☆

PVC toys are as inexpensive and readily available as jellies and as equally bad for your body. They are made from the same material as plastic PVC piping but infused with phthalates to keep the toy soft and pliable. And also like jellies, they are porous and cannot be sterilized and usually have an unpleasant odor and taste. These toys are best avoided as well and must be stored among other plastic toys with caution to avoid the same "melting" effect as mentioned before. Unlike with jellies, PVC toys can only use water-based lube because silicone and oil may break down the plastic over time.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Skin-Like Silicone

Porousness: ★★☆☆☆

Cleanliness: ★☆☆☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Longevity: ★★☆☆☆

Overall rating: ★★☆☆☆

Skin-like silicone is typically found in male masturbators and include brands like RealSkin, CyberSkin and SoftTouch. They intend to replicate a life-like sensation as closely as possible and rely on a number of chemicals to maintain its trademark silky softness. However, we do not know exactly what goes into these toys because the actual compounds are a closely kept industry secret. These toys are still porous so they cannot be completely sterilized but are generally odorless with a mild taste and are easy to get your hands on without breaking the bank. Unfortunately, since we cannot vouch for the nature of this silicone, the toys may or may not contain phthalates and do degrade over time in part from how delicate the material is to begin with. Like other low-end toys, skin-like silicone must be stored carefully because they stick to rubber and jelly like glue. It's recommended to use only water-based lube because oil will break down the material faster and silicone can cause abrasions to the surface.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Porousness: ★★☆☆☆

Cleanliness: ★★☆☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★★☆☆☆

Cost: ★★★★☆

Longevity: ★★☆☆☆

Overall rating: ★★☆☆☆

Gel toys vary slightly from jelly because they contain a blend of silicone and jelly rather than plastic and rubber making them more structurally sound though still not of the best quality. Some gel toys like the Sil-a-Gel brand advertise their products as latex free and antibacterial, though because gel is still porous and cannot be sterilized, it's recommended to use with a condom if possible just for good measure. Gel toys may or may not contain phthalates depending on the company and usually have a slight odor and lingering taste. They should be used with water-based lubricants because silicone can damage the surface and oil may cause chemicals to leech out depending on the quality of the toy. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Porousness: ★★★☆☆

Cleanliness: ★★★☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★★☆☆☆

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Longevity: ★★★☆☆

Overall rating: ★★★☆☆

Latex toys are less common and usually associated with fetish items and inflatable toys due to their naturally flexible nature. Although still bordering on the low-end spectrum of sex toys because of their porosity and inability to be sterilized, latex toys are actually fairly safe as long as you don't have an allergy and usually do not contain phthalates. However, they can still potentially leak chemical compounds over time from improper care and stick to other toys when poorly stored. They also have a significant smell and taste which can be off-putting. Water and silicone lubes work great but avoid oil-based ones as they can break down the material faster.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)

Porousness: ★★★☆☆

Cleanliness: ★★★☆☆

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Longevity: ★★★☆☆

Overall rating: ★★★☆☆

Also known as nitrile rubber or silicone rubber, TPE is sometimes confused with TPR. Both are rubber-based materials that branch off into different categories during the manufacturing process. TPE has a less stable bond structure and doesn't require curing which makes it generally less expensive and more flexible, but is instead treated with a softening agent that can be potentially harmful down the road. TPE-based toys are still porous so they cannot be sterilized, but they are usually phthalate-free as well as odorless and tasteless. However, some cheaper toys are laced with filler compounds so always double check the packaging and take care when using them. Use water or silicone-based lubrication with TPE toys and avoid oil-based ones to prevent negative reactions with the materials.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber)

Porousness: ★★★☆☆

Cleanliness: ★★★★☆

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Longevity: ★★★★☆

Overall rating: ★★★★☆

TPR toys are flexible yet soft while still retaining their overall shape. Because TPR is not treated with a softening agent like TPE, it contains more stable chemical compounds and is considered much more body-safe. Although still slightly porous so it cannot be completely sterilized, the material's compounds prevent bacteria from building up as readily as long as it is properly cleaned and maintained. These toys are also generally odorless and tasteless. Like TPE, toys make from TPR cannot be combined with oil-based lubes to prevent the break-down of materials.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

ABS Plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

Porousness: ★★★★☆

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Longevity: ★★★★☆

Overall rating: ★★★★☆

ABS plastic is an excellent material and usually found in toy handles and vibrating bullets as well as providing a sturdy base for silicone to wrap around (or simply as the whole toy itself!). It is easy to find and fairly inexpensive though higher-end elaborate toys can start to pinch your pockets. This is especially true when it comes to vibrators and wands because the rigid structure of the plastic provides a long-lasting toy while also distributing strong vibrations throughout it. Generally non-porous and phthalate-free, it is tasteless and odor-free and can be sterilized as long as any inner electronics are not at risk. Take care to monitor your toy to ensure no cracks or chips develop which could compromise the structure and make it more difficult to clean and use. ABS toys are compatible with any type of lubrication though water-based is recommended for the easiest clean-up.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Medical-Grade Silicone

Porousness: ★★★★★

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★☆☆☆☆

Longevity: ★★★★★

Overall rating: ★★★★★

Now we finally make it to the best of the best! Medical-grade silicone is one of the highest-quality materials for sex toys, though unfortunately, this also makes them some of the most expensive toys on the market. However, you can feel confident knowing the money you spend is most certainly money well-spent as you will most likely have this toy for years to come. Non-porous and hypoallergenic, they come with little to no taste and no odor and can be fully sterilized (again, as long as no electronics are at risk). True silicone is phthalate-free and long-lasting with proper care and the best option if you are looking for something soft and flexible without the chemical garbage. Do not use silicone-based lube with silicone toys because it is abrasive and may damage the surface of the toy over time.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Borosilicate Glass

Porousness: ★★★★★

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★★

Longevity: ★★★★★

Overall rating: ★★★★★

Glass is fantastic in all aspects except for its rigidity which can be uncomfortable and a turn-off for some. But in terms of quality, it is arguably tip of the top, cream of the crop. Borosilicate glass is structurally stronger than regular glass because it does not expand as it cools which allows it to absorb shockwaves that normally shatter ordinary glass. Non-porous, hypoallergenic, phthalate-free, eco-friendly, odorless, tasteless, the list goes on and on. You can sterilize it with no worry, and it will never degrade. Very easy to shop for and generally inexpensive, glass toys are also very decorative and aesthetically pleasing beyond just a pleasure item. Glass is one of the cleanest and safest materials alongside stainless steel, but as mentioned, the rigidity is less body-friendly in terms of use, so medical-grade silicone is the alternate route for those who need some flexibility in their toy. Feel free to use any type of lube also!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Stainless Steel

Porousness: ★★★★★

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Odor & Taste: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★☆☆☆

Longevity: ★★★★★

Overall rating: ★★★★★

Stainless steel shares every feature with borosilicate glass except it is much harder to find and is generally more expensive. Like latex, it is usually considered and found as a fetish item and is typically manufactured as anal toys due to its sterile nature. However, it still makes a great everyday toy if you get your hands on one.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In closing, here are some thoughts to keep in mind as you start shopping with your newfound knowledge: Read the packaging to find out what kind of material you are dealing with, but also realize not all companies will tell you outright what their products are made of. You may have to dig around online to find the answers you need. Also, research the company to evaluate their trustworthiness. Do the appearance of their toys match up to their descriptions? Have people complained about the quality of their toys despite the company's promises? Remember not to trust everything a mass-marketer claims and take what they say with a grain of salt. Monitor your toys for signs of degradation or discoloration and know the right time to throw in the towel and throw it out. Always keep your toys clean and avoid cross-contamination between entrances and partners without sterilizing it first or using a condom. And above all else, trust your instincts! If you know something isn't quite right, it probably isn't.

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Want to help contribute to the cause? Check out the blog wish list on Amazon!

Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

November 1, 2017

Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls: Love-Hate Relationships (Guest Review)

Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls

Love-Hate Relationships

Guest Review!

This month's review is brought to you in part by:

I have quite the interesting review lined up for you this month, dear readers! With the help of the charming G who graciously let me interview her about her experiences with Pipedream's Deluxe Vibro Balls, I present you with a double featurette of contrasting proportions. I hope my readers absorb my opinions with a grain of salt and understand my experiences with a specific toy may differ wildly from yours. I intend my reviews to provide a raw, genuine look into an adult toy without the potential biases from websites' product reviews. The following feature presents a perfect example of how one person may rave over how phenomenally a toy performs while another might say it was a waste of their money.

I purchased the Pipedream anal beads several months before G contacted me, but I never removed them from the box because I didn't have the time or opportunity to test them out yet. When I met with G, she handed me a velvet bag from her purse and asked me to guess the type of toy. By simply shaking it, I recognized immediately the telltale jostle of the balls and felt excitement well up. During our interview, she provided a glorious recollection of her adventures with the Deluxe Vibro Balls and could not praise them highly enough. Fueled by her encouragement, I drove home that evening and immediately tried them incredible disappointment. Yet it was an experience that still satisfied me because it reminded me of my own advice: take what you hear with a grain of salt. So I will also butt into the spotlight and provide my review alongside G's to offer two sides of the same coin.

Both G and I purchased our Vibro Balls online (as is generally my recommended custom). G, having lost most of her toys in a fire, purchased the balls from an online adult site (name unknown) in an attempt to start from scratch. Anal toys were always a default for her, so she sought out a previous member of her collection to begin again with. Although she can't remember the exact purchase price, she recalled it was inexpensive, roughly around $20. I purchased mine from Amazon for about $13 on a whim since trying out anal beads consistently topped my sexy to-do list. The claim of "natural vibrations" from the weighted balls inside intrigued me because you may recall my necessity for that sort of stimulation. Normally the Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls retail for $24.95, a fair enough price but bordering on expensive for the size and nature of the toy.

The overall length of the Vibro Balls is 17.4 in (44.2 cm) with an insertable length of 10.8 in (27.4 cm). Each ball has a 3.9 in (9.9 cm) circumference/1.25 in (3.2 cm) diameter placing them on the higher end of anal bead sizing. G absolutely loves their size though, claiming the balls are large enough to provide excellent stimulation without being too large to cause pain. She adores the way each one feels going in and out of her body and really notices the girth and pressure once inside. The balls for me, unfortunately, are borderline too much to handle when inserted. I find the balls manageable going in but unfortunately, unlike G, they are next to unnoticeable once inside of me. I only feel a slight pressure and mild weight shift when moving around caused by the interior balls rolling about. As for removal, the first ball is almost pleasurable but rapidly gives way to pain and exhaustion when attempting to remove the entire string. The unyielding nature of the plastic does not help either.

The balls themselves are made of ABS plastic with a smooth and slick surface except for a slightly raised seam running through the center where the pieces connect after the manufacturers placed the weighted ball inside. A nylon cord attaches all four balls roughly an inch (2.5 cm) or so apart from one anther. Two majors factors arose when I researched the quality of the Vibro Balls before purchasing mine. One dealt with the seam causing users pain and requiring filing down before use. The other questioned the integrity and cleanliness of the cord. G said she experienced no issues with this seam and never had problems cleaning the entirety of the toy including the cord, which she claims can also take a good hearty yanking without worrying about snapping. The balls especially are easy to clean, and she feels confident with the overall quality of the anal beads. I noticed a slight ridge to the seam once inside me, but nothing of major concern. However, I couldn't help worrying over the actual quality of the plastic. While ABS plastic is technically safe, it is very cheap and not necessarily something you want to have inside you for extended periods of time. My nervousness regarding the integrity of the cord never passed despite G's reassurances so I never truly tested the strength of it. And after one use, the cord smelled terrible despite the extra measures I took cleaning and prepping myself and scrubbing the toy thoroughly twice afterwards. The plastic still had a lingering stench, and the cord smelled like I hadn't bothered to wash it at all. It repulsed me so much, I eventually threw the whole thing out.

G uses the Vibro balls both solo and with her partner. While great on its own, she claims it's best when combined with something vaginally such as a dildo or a dick. The addition of an object enhances the pressure inside, and if she uses it in tandem with her boyfriend, he also benefits from the sensation. If he provides a little tug  or yanks the entirety out of her during sex, it drives her over the edge without fail. It offers excellent foreplay opportunities and assistance during sex while requiring little to no coaxing to push inside her. The vibrations are also quite pleasurable for both her and her boyfriend. The small size makes for easy packing when on the road or traveling, so why leave home without it? Effective and reliable. Easy, breezy, beautiful: Pipedream.

My experience, on the other hand, is much less optimistic. Although an anal toy, I tested it vaginally first out of curiosity to avoid cross-contamination later on. While nice, it was nothing near orgasm-inducing even when paired with my Shibari Halo Wand. Using it anally turned into an unpleasant endeavor. Again, I paired it with "Magic Mic" and asked my lately to assist by tugging and jostling the cord. And again, it felt nice but devolved into a painful annoyance after a few minutes. Then came the removal. During my session, the balls somehow twisted around themselves inside of me so the cord knotted around the middle. When clumped together, it was impossible for me to push them out without tearing something, so I reached inside me to blindly untangle the balls and tug them out one by one. It was painful and left a horrible and disgusting mess in its wake. The vibrations too were weak and barely noticeable. I really needed to dance and shimmy to mildly feel them rolling back and forth, but they never clacked to produce a notable shock wave. Overall, the experience was tedious with unpleasant results and discouraged me from trying again.

As her continued favorite toy, G highly recommends the Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls to anal adventurers while I believe better products exist that provide more satisfactory results. But this just goes to show that you should not rely too heavily on one person's opinions. If you purchase your own Vibro Balls, will you share in G's amazing experiences or risk falling under my misfortunes? Regardless of your decision, I hope our combined reviews helped educate and warn you and that you enjoyed this month's read!

G's Summary

Size: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★★☆ 

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★★★★☆

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★

My Summary

Size: ★★☆☆☆ 

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★☆☆ 

Material: ★★★☆☆

Ease of use: ★☆☆☆☆

Effectiveness: ★★☆☆☆

Final rating: ★★☆☆☆

For more info:

Pipedream Website

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Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

October 1, 2017

nü Sensuelle Extreme: Too Much of a Good Thing

nü Sensuelle Extreme

Too Much of a Good Thing

When shopping for an adult toy, especially online, descriptions tend to boast promises like, "Powerful vibrations! Over 20 different functions! You will experience the most intense orgasms ever!" This convinced me to empty my bank account immediately on a handful of occasions. But I quickly understood a toy needs more than just a powerful motor to provide that flawless blend of sensations. With a name like the nü Senselle Extreme, I expected nothing less than one hell of a ride that left me quaking under my sheets, but what I received instead was dissatisfaction and a lesson well learned: you can have too much of a good thing. So I advise you, my dear readers, to take these advertisements with a grain of salt and recognize that powerful does not necessarily mean best.

Like my Shibari Halo Wand, I purchased my nü Sensuelle Extreme at The Garden, a local adult shop in Ohio staffed by a handful of friendly and knowledgeable individuals. After my resounding success with "Magic Mic" based on their product recommendations, I sought another powerful traveling companion to pair with my wand. At this point in time, I'd nearly finished vacating my Ohio apartment and prepared to endure my last interstate drive with my belongings. Because I spent such a prolonged amount of time on the road, I wanted a toy smaller, more discreet and essentially the perfect pocket-sized pal, thus preventing me from packing a duffel bag full of sex toys when I traveled. Ideally, I desired something that doubled as a bullet vibrator and a dildo for on-the-fly stimulation changes without busting out the toy box and dirtying more pieces, a luxury I could not afford during a move. I also wanted a slim little number to share with my lady since her sensitivity to size and girth prevents her from experimenting with any of my other toys. And so, while passing through Ohio on my way to the East Coast, I picked up this Extreme and gave it a whirl in my motel room that night.

The nü Sensuelle Extreme normally sells for $76.99 which, armed with the experiences and knowledge I have now, is an absurd price for something I deem only average in function. At the time, I believe I paid around $60 for it in-store. Even though I purchased it only a few years ago, the company discontinued this specific model in favor of the Touch and Point which I presume still retail for approximately the same cost. Even Amazon no longer carries the Extreme model. Other online marketplaces may still offer the Extreme, but as far as my research goes, it is officially retired from the adult toy industry.

Even without the specific dimensions, slender best describes the overall size of this toy: 6 in (15 cm) long with a 3 in (8 cm) circumference/1 in (2.5 cm) diameter. Unfortunately, this personally prevents me from using the Extreme as a suitable dildo because it lacks enough girth to properly stimulate me. I'm aware of the sensation of it sliding in and out of me, but I derive no pleasure from this. Still, the sleekness and initial vibrations feel pleasant enough that it offers decent foreplay. In addition, for those readers who raise their eyebrows in horror at the average girth of my recommended toys, this may be the ideal companion for you.

Like many of the futuristically-styled, sleek adult toys, the nü Sensuelle Extreme offers an utterly smooth surface of high-quality silicone over a sturdy plastic interior. I always adore the way this silicone feels on your bare skin, like when I brush the back of my hand against my lady's thigh, silky in an otherworldly sort of way. And this sleekness also means the toy is extremely easy to clean and maintain.

But, as I previously mentioned, I find it difficult to use the Extreme as a dildo due to its slender size providing me next to no stimulation. When I perform a pistoning action by thrusting it in and out, the sensations feel pleasant enough but only when conducted at a machine-gun pace. Such a slim profile offers minimal surface area for a proper handhold and therefore, when coupled with how rapidly I must thrust, causes my hand and wrist to cramp up almost immediately. Especially when lube gets involved, it easily pops right out of your grip.

Unfortunately, it fails to work solely as a vibrator too, which leaves me wondering how I'm supposed to use it at all. Unlike with the Shibari Halo Wand, the vibrations are not concentrated in one area but dispersed throughout the entire toy. It works well enough when paired with better toys such as the Halo Wand, but when used alone, it falls short. Because the vibrations are not centered in the tip, it doesn't function well for clitoral stimulation. I experience the buzzing most in my fingertips and not against my other tips. These vibrations operate best internally, but again, the nature of the stimulation is not climax-inducing. While powerful, they do not penetrate my nerves because my body absorbs most of the shock and dissipates it before it arouses me. As for anal play, that's absolutely out of the question. I attempted it once and only once. Even on the lowest setting, I experience only pain because the sensations are much too powerful and cause my body to involuntarily tense and clamp down around the toy.

Yes, this toy provides powerful vibrations just as its marketing description promises, but because they are not deep and rich, the power level becomes meaningless. Although it boasts twenty different functions, anything past the first setting numbs me within the first few minutes and borders on painful. Beyond the first three steady drones, the rhythmic patterns it offers tease and pleasure mildly but are still too sporadic and varied and only distract rather than tantalize. Only three or four patterns have any noteworthy merit and are worth using at all, but keeping track of their locations in the pattern list makes them obnoxious to cycle to. Plus the massive button press necessary to even change patterns automatically makes it a waste of time. You must force your finger deep into the end of the toy before the button clicks. On top of that, the best patterns incorporate the maximum vibration strength possible causing overstimulation anyway.

As for the battery, it provides zero indication when it needs charging. Unlike with other toys where the vibration strength decreases over time as the charge runs out, the Extreme simply shuts off abruptly with no warning. So unless you charge it daily or after every use, if you happen to be in the middle of a heated session and it hasn't visited the charging dock recently, you are out of luck. The charging dock itself desperately requires a redesign as well. Made of flimsy weak plastic, it implements no weight system in the base so knocking it over is disgustingly simple even before you set the toy in it. While the Extreme utilizes nodules that nestle in the charging dock, these nubs are not magnetic and do not snap into place. The entire set-up is very precarious, and you must balance it perfectly in order to charge it correctly.

I used to consider the Extreme a worthwhile use of my money and time, but now I own other toys that far outperform it. Sadly, it now gathers dust on my shelf while I focus my attention on other potentials and favorites. Though a convenient travel size and made from fantastic materials, it's simply more trouble than it's worth. I never thought I'd consider a toy too powerful for my tastes, yet here I am. I find this a shame because the toy has a truly lovely design but is just lackluster in every other way.

Even if aspects of this toy appeal to you and you're considering purchasing one, I recommend spending your hard-earned money towards something more useful and more likely to stimulate you in the correct ways. If you desperately need vibrations as powerful as this, then you've found the perfect tool. But if you're like me, your money is best utilized elsewhere on something better tailored to your needs.


Size: ★★★☆☆

Cost: ★★☆☆☆

Texture: ★★★★☆

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★★★☆☆

Effectiveness: ★★☆☆☆

Final rating: ★★★☆☆

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Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

September 1, 2017

Vulcan Vibrating Wet Vagina: Your Hand's Paid Vacation (Guest Review)

Vulcan Vibrating Wet Vagina

Your Hand's Paid Vacation

Guest Review!

This month's review is brought to you by:

I experienced quite a pleasant surprise when I discovered how many male readers enjoy my blog. I've received several comments of encouragement and praise (thank you!). Yet at the same time, I feel guilty that I cannot provide a more relatable experience for them given the types of toys I usually discuss. But fret no more! With the help of a friend of mine, I give you an extra-special review this month dedicated to all of my gentlemen readers. My friend, Nick, graciously offered to let me interview him about his experience with his first-ever toy. And so, without further delay, here is a look at a product just for the fellas from Vulcan's line of male masturbators.

I frequent a lovely adult store called Spice2Nite that has some of the warmest and most laid-back staff. Until meeting me, Nick had never set foot in a sex shop before, so I accompanied him for moral support and as a guide to offer the best advice I could. While I lack a dick and will never know which sensations work best for that type of equipment, I know which materials are safe and which ones to steer clear from. He knew he wanted a straightforward beginner's toy, and since the male-specific section was fairly small, it made decision-making much easier.

Vulcan had its own shelf of products ranging from "Ripe Mouth" to "Wet Anus" all for under $30. It surprises me how inexpensive the male toys cost in comparison to women's and couples' toys which range anywhere from $20 to $200, yet for the low low price of only $22.99 (the amount Nick paid for his), you still receive roughly the same quality as a higher-end ladies' toy. Nick, even with his lack of experience, agreed it was a fair price. But on the other hand, the cheap price tag also means this toy does not last as long as dildo, so don't be surprised if you need to purchase another one in a month or two depending on your frequency of use. Proper care will ensure a longer lifespan, but eventually you will need to replace it.

The Wet Vagina comes in a stiff plastic tube with a pop-off cap that perfectly fits the toy itself. The masturbation sleeve is 2.6 in (6.5 cm) wide and 5.9 in (15 cm) long, although the insertable length is 5 in (12.7 cm). The vaginal opening is a slim 0.75 in (1.9 cm) providing a tight canal to push into. Despite the seemingly shallow insertable length, Nick has an average 6 in (15.2 cm) penis and uses the full length of the Wet Vagina without much concern for the depth. Only when he uses full force does the toy "bottom out." Overall, the product offers a good size and ease of travel and concealment because of the subtlety of the all-white carrying case.

The case, as mentioned, is made from a no-frills plastic, but the penetrable sleeve is made purely of a white, super soft silicone designed to resemble flesh for a life-like sensation. As a side note, in order to maintain the silky softness of this type of toy, it's important to coat the outside and inside with a special powder after cleaning to maintain its longevity. That said, I believe I should have educated Nick on preserving his toy in this way because I doubt he knew about this powder, and this may be why the tear developed shortly after purchase. Despite the heavenly softness of the sleeve, the material is not exceptionally durable. After only three uses, a slit developed at the vaginal entrance and continued to increase in size with repeated use. The toy still functions well, but it has since acquired several more micro-tears and was eventually retired. This might be due to Nick's size, his method of use or improper maintenance, but regardless of these factors, the silicone is still so very delicate for such a rough purpose that I'm not at all surprised these problems appeared. In addition, using the sleeve without the tube for support is rather difficult. Without the case, it requires a consistent grip in order to keep the toy's shape and provide the right amount of friction while in use, which grows tiring on the hands. Keeping the sleeve in the case alleviates this need and allows you to enjoy the Wet Vagina without worrying about proper pressure or form.

Inside the sleeve, the Wet Vagina offers a series of ribs and ridges to simulate a real vagina though not 100% accurately of course. Even though the texture is not completely realistic, Nick says it still feels quite nice, though he complains the sensations dull down and numb him after prolonged use. Despite this, he claims it contributes to better and stronger climaxes than if he used only his hand. The Wet Vagina comes with a bullet vibrator that clips to the base of the tube and produces five different patterns at one speed strength. Nick, however, often opts out of using this accessory. Even when in place, the noise eliminates any prospect of subtlety or stealth. Although he says it adds a smidgen to the pleasure, the buzzing it creates automatically makes it not worth the trouble.

As mentioned, one of the most appealing factors of this toy involves its ease of storage. Nick frequently brings the Wet Vagina to work and keeps it on hand just in case the workday is slow and he needs a distraction to pass the time. The hand-sized case makes it easy to pull out of a drawer, plop down in an office chair and slide off your pants and boxers, squirt a dollop of lube and have at it. However, because this toy absolutely requires lubrication, it prevents it from being completely on-the-go friendly. Quickies are out of the question because of the time-consuming clean-up, but the mess is generally easy enough to manage. Taking the cap off alone is a trial in itself however. It reminds Nick of a child safety cap where you have to push and twist and maneuver it off with a fair amount of force. The smooth plastic also prevents this from being an easy feat since the smooth surface makes it difficult to grasp it with a firm grip.

In spite of some of these minor drawbacks, overall Nick agrees the Wet Vagina is an effective tool especially for the cost. Although not anywhere near as pleasurable as the real deal, it offers a nice alternative to your hand and a great assist for when the mood strikes. Although lube is required, the mess is contained, and a relatively simple clean-up also means you skip any forethought or preparation beforehand. He recommends it to anyone who desires a little something more than Mr. Lefty can offer without putting intensive thought or money into a toy. It also provides a little spice for mutual masturbation when breaking out of solo play and introducing a partner. So if you're packing the right equipment and are considering what to purchase as a first toy, give Vulcan's line of masturbators a try!


Size: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★☆☆ 

Material: ★★★★☆

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★

For more info:

Spice2Nite Website

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Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

August 1, 2017

Double Dong: Twice the Fun for One!

Double Dong

Twice the Fun for One!

Before I launch into the review, I want to share a humorous story involving this month's toy (simply called the Double Dong) and how I acquired it. If you prefer to dive right into the meat and potatoes, scroll down to the next paragraph to skip the fluff. But if you'd like to learn about one of my most embarrassing memories, continue reading:
I ordered this dildo on Amazon like most of my toys. However, unlike my other additions, this Double Dong was not affiliated with any major brand or company, and the original seller does not even exist on the website anymore. I opted to purchase from them anyway because they offered fast and free shipping, and the quality and cost of the product passed my requirements. So, I ordered one up and waited patiently for my toy to arrive.
Now, at the apartment I lived in at the time, the post office in charge of my zone was notorious for providing some of the worst service in the entire city. The lazy deliverers never bothered to leave notice slips in my mailbox to alert me that I had a package waiting, and the office workers hardly lifted a finger to help when my mail went missing. A week or so after ordering the Double Dong, I noticed Amazon marked my toy as delivered a few days ago and, of course, the postman left no slip to inform me of this. I drove to the post office in a sour mood and approached the clerk behind the desk. When I explained that I had yet again another package missing and provided my name and address, the woman's eyes suddenly lit up in an unpleasant way, and she said, "Oh, so that's your package!" I had no clue what she meant by that until she retrieved it from the back room.
Never again will I take the "discreet shipping" feature for granted. Accompanied by snickering from her coworkers, the woman returned with my "package" in her hands. I flushed all the way to my ears when I saw it. You didn't need much of an imagination to know exactly what was wrapped in that thin brown paper. No box, no tube, just a thick eighteen-inch sausage wrapped in packing paper and tape with my address slapped on the outside. You could very clearly discern the shape of the toy from the two bulbous heads on each end to the thick veins on the surface, and it wobbled when you shook it slightly. I wordlessly took the quivering package and left the post office as quickly as my feet could carry me. I refrained from making any further online purchases until I could comfortably show my face at that branch again.

As I mentioned in my little narrative, I ordered this toy from Amazon like most of my early additions. Unfortunately, like the Trinity Deluxe Rabbit, the company (whoever they are) no longer circulates this specific model. Similar models exist elsewhere such as on Adam & Eve, but they generally cost a little more than the $15 I paid. For example, the replica on Adam & Eve retails for $24.95, a smidgen of a price jump but not unreasonably so. I also don't believe this toy is strictly affiliated with any definite company as it seems to be a generic template that anyone can use, so it's readily available if you know where and what to look for. Unlike my previously reviewed toys, the Double Dong is substantially larger in size, no longer falling on the "average" scale. The length is 18 in (45.7 cm) giving you and/or your partner a gratuitous 9 in (22.9 cm) to work with on each end. The diameter, a girthy 1.75 in (4.4 cm)/5.5 in (13.9 cm) circumference, is not for beginners or those with tight entrances. With a little coaxing and copious amounts of lube, I can work it inside me, but unfortunately my lady stands no chance against it whatsoever.

The texture of this toy drives me absolutely wild, and the girth means I feel every inch of it pressing against me. The top half of the Double Dong offers a heavily ribbed surface resembling a fishbone pattern. It runs the entire length of the dildo and tapers to an utterly smooth underside. Although the toy provides flexibility around the middle, the solid body allows the ends to retain most of their shape giving these ridges a lovely stiffness. They feel exactly the way you expect and hope a ribbed texture ought to feel inside you, and it never fails to throw me into helpless states of ecstasy. As an added bonus, although the heads are thick, their slick surface makes insertion easier than expected from a toy of this size. Once you work the head all the way in, you're golden for the rest of the ride.

Little detail is given on the material type of this toy. While confirmed that the Double Dong is made from silicone, it is most likely from a low-grade quality as the exterior lacks that subtle silky-smooth sensation of medical-grade silicone. The toy initially emits a slight rubbery smell that takes several washes to remove. And, obnoxiously, this toy adores sticking to surfaces and having scraps stick to it. It latches onto hair and fuzz like a magnet so if you accidentally drop it on your carpet, you'll be spending the next five minutes attempting to rinse off every last fiber. Given its large size, general storage is already an issue, but if stored for long periods of time with the slightest kink or bend in it, this will permanently cause the toy to retain a crooked shape. I accidentally stored mine in a small box with my other toys, and almost a year later, I'm still trying to completely straighten the U-bend out of the middle. Just be conscious of how and where you store yours.

I originally purchased this toy with the intent of sharing it with my lady, but in hindsight, this was an ambitious undertaking. Unlike me (the size queen), her physical limits exist on the opposite side of the spectrum as mine, and she can't even fit half of the head inside her, so this toy is reduced to my solo use only. If you and your partner can manage the girth, it makes for an excellent dual experience. For solo use, it's a fun double-penetrative tool due to its flexibility. I chiefly use it vaginally but have tried both ends at the same time on a few occasions.

As mentioned, the Double Dong boasts a substantial girth, but I have an easy enough time sliding it in vaginally when properly lubricated. As enjoyable as it is, the major gripe I have involves the unused portion shimmying above me and all over the place. Thrusting causes waves to vibrate through the whole length like an eel out of water and takes you out of the moment when it continuously bangs against your leg. I find it much more manageable when my lady holds the opposite end and provides the piston force for me. Anal, on the other hand, requires much more patience, coaxing, and copious amounts of lube. While I find the sensation appealing, the head is too large for it ever to feel comfortable no matter how much I relax. The shape and structure is too unyielding for such a sensitive area. I can manage to fit both ends inside me at once, but one part must always remain stationery because there is simply not enough room inside my body to maneuver both at once. It causes both heads to crush the thin wall of tissue separating them in a very painful manner. For me at least, the Double Dong is too thick for proper double-penetration so I prefer using it for vaginal stimulation only.

The Double Dong is certainly not a toy I recommend for everyone. It provides the best experience for those looking for a manageable "casual" girth or a toy to gradually push their limits. Size kings and queens will probably enjoy the experience it provides, but your average John and Jane Doe may think otherwise. Unfortunately, I can't give an accurate opinion when it comes to sharing it, but at least from my experiences, it makes for a stimulating and exciting solo play (and quite an impressive show too for anyone watching). Keep your limits in mind when considering whether or not to buy this, and if you don't plan on double penetrative play, you may be better off selecting a different toy altogether.


Size: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★★★ 

Texture: ★★★★★

Material: ★★★★☆

Ease of use: ★★★☆☆

Effectiveness: ★★★★☆

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For more info:

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Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

July 1, 2017

Shibari Halo Wand: A Match Made in Heaven

Shibari Halo Wand

A Match Made in Heaven

As much as I enjoyed sex in my slightly younger years, it ultimately became something of a chore. Because I required clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, it made the act cumbersome and borderline frustrating. No matter what position I tried, arms had to twist under bodies, hands had to wedge between stomachs, and muscles screamed at me to just give up already. Countless heated endeavors ended in lackluster release or tears of discouragement. When my relationship with my lady became serious in the bedroom, I knew I finally needed to do something to address this predicament. I always wanted to own a wand massager ever since I first learned of their existence and heard nothing but rave reviews about them, but the universally high price tag made me shy away from purchasing one. But as my birthday approached, I decided it was time to treat myself to change the dynamic of my sex life for the better and ease my bedroom troubles for good.

While I still lived in Ohio, I occasionally visited a local adult store called The Garden, a clean and pleasant shop with some of the cutest and friendliest staff around. I explained to the girl staffed downstairs that I was looking for something powerful yet easy to use without breaking the bank, and she recommended the Shibari Halo Wand. She patiently unboxed one for me to handle, and I knew as soon as I pressed the power button that this was the solution to my bedroom griefs. I paid approximately $80 for the wand in-store, and while I think it a fair price for the quality of toy, I can't help but wish I purchased it online instead. You can find the same toy now for only $20-$30 on various marketplace sites. But I understand that when you buy a product in a store versus online, you are essentially paying for the customer service and hands-on experience. You have the opportunity to ask questions from knowledgeable and helpful staff while also testing the product before committing to it. I was also on the road frequently at the time so having it shipped to me wasn't feasible.

The Shibari Halo Wand is 12 in (30.5 cm) long, and the bulb has a diameter of 1.9 in (4.8 cm)/6.25 in (15.9 cm) circumference. It has a pleasantly light weight of 8.75 oz (248 g) most of which is centered into the "business end" making it very easy to handle, and because the head makes up the bulk of the toy, it allows more surface area coverage and provides a greater range of stimulation without being obscenely huge. The tapered handle also offers a solid area to grasp and makes it suitable for all hand sizes.

I love the overall aesthetic of the wand, a sleek and streamlined design with one clear purpose that it performs amazingly well. The straightforward two-tone coloration also appeals to me as I tend to favor modern, "sterile" and crisp appearances in my toys. The handle is consistently white between models but the tip comes in either black, purple or pink (I opted for black for contrast). The head is made from a high-quality silky silicone and a durable and smooth ABS plastic body, both of which are non-porous, phthalate and latex free and easy to clean. Because the handle is made from plastic rather than silicone, it allows gripping it with sweaty hands a breeze despite the dramatic taper. However, especially in my lady's case, rings and other hand jewelry can cause a loud rattle against the plastic which erases any subtlety.

The Shibari Halo Wand definitely saved and enhanced my sex life. Very rarely do I ever masturbate or have intercourse without it. It provides me the hands-free, easy-to-achieve orgasm I desperately crave. Solo play becomes a walk in the park, and sex is now intense and dirty. It delivers both relaxing releases and earth-shattering climaxes depending on my preference for the evening, and I adore pairing it with non-vibrating toys for an amplified experience. Not only does it feel amazing for me, but incorporating it during sex feels great for both parties (my lady and I have since dubbed it our "Magic Mic"). My position of choice has me with panties off lying flat on my stomach or with my hips slightly raised to supply me with maximum surface contact and pressure. My lady prefers to use it one-handed on her back to browse porn with her free hand and massage herself at her leisure. We love that in both circumstances it gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

Nothing in my experience thus far works as easily as the Halo Wand. Simply turn it on and go! It features two buttons, one that cycles through the two vibration strengths and eight patterns and one that turns it on and off entirely. And, best of all, this wand is USB rechargeable and cordless. A nearly invisible hole in the back hides the charging port, and the cord is compatible with any standard USB charger or charging station. The head is also slightly bendable so it contorts with your body under pressure and allows you to grind against it without worrying that it may break or snap.

The biggest issue I have involves the buttons. The layout is in a teardrop shape but both buttons are the same size. Because there is no indicator for which side turns the toy on or off except through memorization, I have a fifty-fifty chance of accidentally turning the wand off in the middle of a heated session, especially if I have it upside-down. The button press is also much too delicate, an issue many other reviewers have also expressed. This sensitivity prevents the Halo Wand from being travel friendly. Every time I've packed it in a duffel bag, at some point during the trip something bumps against it and causes the bag to vibrate very loudly to my horror. While the vibration on its own is not necessarily loud, it is noticeable. This is not a stealthy toy and is best kept exclusively at home. Both my lady and I also agree that the patterns are rather disappointing. Advertising numerous patterns in a toy never appealed to me because both she and I prefer a strong steady vibration. She exclusively uses the very first setting while I use the first two, both of which are simply a flat drone with no rhythm change-up. Neither of us have ever used the teasing patterns which are much too varied and alternate too quickly to be stimulating. At this point, they only pose a distraction. She especially desires a constant pulse, something resembling a consistent machine-gun or rapid fire pattern which the Halo Wand fails to offer. Many of the settings start off feeling great but then change immediately so we stick to the first two.

Unfortunately, after about three years of frequent use, Magic Mic finally reached the end of his life cycle. When I rotate the bulb, the neck emits a crackling noise most likely indicating a snapped connector or chipped plastic, and pressing your fingers into said area reveals a few broken pieces from the handle. The wand still works as well as it did when I first took it out of the box, but because of the loose fragments, the vibrations are much louder and have a distinct rattle that was not present before. Thankfully, because this toy is so affordable online, I don't need to distress about replacing it.

Despite these drawbacks, the wand is extremely effective. Unlike many vibrators, the Halo Wand offers powerful stimulation without tickling or numbing the area, a slow and deep vibration rather than fast and weak. The head encompasses and disperses the sensation so I no longer have to worry about proper clitoral stimulation anymore. It also helps during awkward sexual positions where only using my hand would cause fatigue or simply get in the way. I cannot recommend this toy highly enough, and is an absolute must for any lady experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm. The potent and penetrating vibrations cut my stimulation time in half, and I can't imagine having sex today without it!


Size: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★☆

Texture: ★★★★★ 

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★

For more info:

Shibari Website

Want to help contribute to the cause? Check out the blog wish list on Amazon!

Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

June 1, 2017

Cobalt Blue Pleasure Wand: Lacking in the Pleasure Department

Cobalt Blue Pleasure Wand

Lacking in the Pleasure Department

A quick disclaimer before the review begins: the dildo in the above illustration is not completely accurate in scale. I try to depict the toys as true to life as possible, but I got carried away with this month's image. In the future, I'll provide a better representation of what I review so you receive authentic information. And now back to your regularly scheduled program!

I have little experience with glass dildos as I write this review, and my arsenal of sex toys still lacks in that department (although I'd like to change that one day). But I find glass dildos absolutely gorgeous, like little works of art you can stuff inside you. Whenever I swing by the nearby sex shop, the ones nestled behind the safety of the display case take my breath away. For a moment, I almost forget the creators intended them as sex toys. I used to own a lovely little number while in college, Don Wand's Pleasure Wand in a rich cobalt blue color from Amazon, yet sadly, because of said little number, I shied away from glass dildos for years. It set an unfortunate precedent for any future purchases because I experienced another world of pain each time I tried to use it.

When I purchased this Pleasure Wand in 2011, it retailed on Amazon for about $12, a fantastic price for a quality glass dildo, but years later you can own this piece for the low, low price of only $5.99! Unfortunately, Don Wand lacks their own official website, and their Amazon store keeps experiencing issues when displaying their complete inventory, but a search for Don Wand on Amazon or Google yields numerous results, and their dildos average around $10 each. The Pleasure Wand has a total length of 7.5 in (19 cm) with a 1.25 in (3.2 cm) diameter/3.9 in (9.9 cm) circumference shaft and a 1.5 in (3.8 cm) diameter/4.7 in (11.9 cm) circumference head, a pretty straightforward and standard dildo size, all things considered.

As previously mentioned, the Pleasure Wand and all of Don Wand's dildos are made of glass and a specific type of glass called borosilicate known for its improved shatter resistance compared to "normal" glass. With maybe the exception of medical-grade silicone, glass is one of the safest materials for the body (as long as no cracks or chips are in the surface) because of its natural hypoallergenic, non-porous and phthalate-free qualities. I prefer silicone toys mainly for peace of mind since I'm naturally clumsy and I know one day I'd knock my beautiful glass dildo off my desk and let out a slow-motion, "Noooooooo," as it falls to the floor. Even a shatter resistant material isn't completely invincible to linoleum.

You should prepare to hear this from me quite often, but I love and value the surface texture of toys, which I regard as a very important selling feature. If the toy fails to tickle your fancy, then why bother spending money on it? I know different people value different properties in their toys such as length, girth or angle, but texture still covers a lot of ground in the sex toy realm and is a safe bet to discuss critically. The nubs on the Pleasure Wand feel amazing since they stick a good two or three millimeters off the shaft, and every bump ripples against your walls when the dildo moves in and out of your body. And the color, while advertised as a deep cobalt blue, actually appears more black until you hold the toy up to the light. I personally find it gorgeous though some owners expressed their disappointment with how dark it looks in-person.

Unfortunately, the positive reception ends here. Despite its manageable length and delicious nubs, this dildo continued to give me painful experiences no matter what I tried. The Pleasure Wand has a slight curve to provide better G-spot stimulation and a large head to enhance this sensation, but the only sensation I experienced was the awful pinching and crushing of my vaginal wall against my pubic bone. Yes, it felt as painful as it sounds. Because the glass has zero flexibility, I could only use the toy in a very specific position: on my back with my legs tucked against my chest which made holding the dildo awkward and uncomfortable. Doggy-style? Out of the question; the head scraped across my pelvis and threatened to take some tissue with it. On top? Please no; the curve of the shaft refused to work with the curve of my body. Anal? I died a little inside; that head is just too big and solid so my muscles never relaxed around it. Maybe my physical make-up prevents me from using it to its full potential since the Pleasure Wand received positive reviews on Amazon, and many buyers raved about how wonderful it feels, but other buyers also expressed concern with its size and angle. I want to love this dildo when the bumps send me into a frenzy, but I simply can't when it keeps smashing against my tender bits.

In the end, I wish the Pleasure Wand was more effective in its mission to please, and it might achieve this goal with a smaller head or without the shaft curve, but I think just a smaller head would do the trick. Other reviewers say it's perfect as is and some, to my surprise, say it's one of their first toys ever. So with that in mind, maybe I'm too biased in my opinion. Always take what I say with a grain of salt, but at the same time, consider what I say as an alternate approach, the other side of the coin. You don't always want to hear just the positives of a product. Regardless, I recommend the Pleasure Wand for intermediate or flexible users and go into its purchase with your limits in mind.


Size: ★★★☆☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★★★

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★★☆☆☆

Effectiveness: ★★★☆☆

Final rating: ★★★☆☆

For more info:

Want to help contribute to the cause? Check out the blog wish list on Amazon!

Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

May 1, 2017

The Tentacle: When Fantasies Become Reality

The Tentacle

When Fantasies Become Reality

My best friend from college introduced me to Bad Dragon a few years back, an online adult toy company that caters to an audience of "special" tastes, and I remember the first time I browsed through their website, it completely blew my mind. I had no idea a company out there actually created these dream toys! Fantasies I believed only existed in the imagination teased me from behind the screen, only a click away from being delivered to my doorstep. Their toys ranged from borderline bizarre to tantalizingly tasteful, and I instantly made it a goal to save up for one of these works of art. Daily, I visited the adoptions section (pre-made toys ready to ship out the next day versus a custom toy that takes 2-3 weeks to manufacture) hoping to find the perfect addition to my growing collection, and finally one day in class, I found it: The Tentacle.

I admit I have a raging love for tentacles, and when it comes time to stroke the kitty, it's my default search term. Bad Dragon's Tentacle immediately caught my eye, but I hesitated to create my own right away because I had no idea what I wanted out of it yet, and I refused to commit to something I might regret buying later on. I had no clue what firmness worked best, what size I could afford and what color scheme I preferred. But then that day during study hall, I found a lovely Tentacle that I realized offered all of the features I needed as a newbie customer: medium size, medium firmness, and, as a cherry on top, the color scheme reminded me of a Creamsicle with a white underside and bright citrus-orange body. It was perfect. And a week later, I tore open the box and welcomed my toy to the family.

Bad Dragon's merchandise tends to hit the wallet fairly hard, but at least you have the peace of mind knowing every cent of your purchase goes towards a high-quality and long-lasting product. I hesitate to call it an investment, but purchasing one on a whim too often may cause a hole in your finances. All of their toys come in such a wide variety of firmness levels, sizes and colors that I will concentrate on just the features my Tentacle has rather than break down an entire list. A medium-sized Tentacle costs a base price of $85, which is how much I paid for mine as an adoption, but a Tentacle with the same customized color scheme created from scratch costs $105 instead. Custom colors outside their available palettes and some design combinations increase the final price by $10-$20. A medium Tentacle provides a total length of 8.25 in (21 cm) with a usable length of 5.75 in (14.6 cm) though depending on the firmness of the toy and your determination, more can fit inside you, as I discovered. The shaft ranges from a diameter of 1.3 in (3.3 cm)/3.5 in (8.9 cm) circumference at the head to 2.6 in (6.6 cm)/8.1 in (20.6 cm) circumference at the base. If you need more detailed size descriptions, Bad Dragon has a thorough list of dimensions for each product allowing you to compare sizes (mini to x-large) so you can decide which works best for your purposes.

But the texture is more important than the size in this case, the crown jewel of this toy! Although first impressions may assume the suckers will stick to your skin, they only function on an aesthetic and textural level and are not biologically accurate. Regardless of the firmness you select, these suckers always remain stiff and hold their shape allowing for excellent sensations going in. I feel every ridge move in and out of me, and the G-spot stimulation it provides is phenomenal! I can never climax without some form of clitoral stimulation, but I experienced an orgasm with G-spot stimulation alone using this toy. And the wide distribution of the suckers means that as long as you have it facing the right direction, you will always feel those little helpers bringing you closer to the edge.

I really appreciate the quality Bad Dragon puts into their materials, one of the reasons I don't mind forking out a little extra money to purchase one. Each toy contains 100% platinum-cured silicone, a type of molding rubber known for having one of the longest life spans and the least amount of shrinkage from temperature fluctuation. However, I noticed with this type of silicone that it tends to leave grease marks on surfaces. No amount of washing removes it so it may be a side-effect of the bonds in the rubber, but Bad Dragon promises this material is non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Still, beware when storing your toy. My Tentacle ruined a few boxes when I left it in one place for too long allowing the grease to soak into the surface. I recommend a durable non-toxic plastic, cloth-lined or glass container and to avoid porous surfaces such as wood or laminated cardboard. And whatever you do, do not leave it on your IKEA nightstand for more than a few days unless you want a permanent mark from your friend.

The Tentacle has a weighty base so it stands up on its own with zero difficulty, though the softer the body is, the more it may flop around from gravity. The medium firmness I have lets it keep its shape fairly well with only minor tipping from the weight of the head. It also provides a nice balance when intimately used because while it holds its shape, it is also very flexible permitting me to cram most of the length inside me. I love plopping it down on my computer chair and hanging onto the chair back while I ride it into the ground. The weight of the base starts to wear on the wrist if you hold it up for too long, so riding it cowgirl style is a match made in heaven. Depending on your preferred firmness, the Tentacle may behave differently than what I described. A softer shaft might have more trouble fitting through tight entrances, and a firm form might not yield as easily to the natural movements of your body. Thankfully, Bad Dragon offers an inexpensive sample set that you can purchase and fiddle with at your leisure to determine which firmness works best for your needs before ordering.

The only major gripe I have with the Tentacle is not through any fault of its own. From its design and from its manner of advertisement, this toy is clearly intended for anal use, but my selected firmness makes it too soft for me to attempt it. I use it solely as a vaginal dildo, and while it certainly gets the job done, the head creates some cumbersome issues inside, and I wish the overall shaft had a thicker diameter or at least tapered less dramatically. I really have to wriggle my body down to the base to receive the most out of the toy. But it manages to work wonders for me, and I acknowledge I fail to use it for its intended purpose. Still, no regrets!

So, do I recommend this little fella? Absolutely! I only caution that you thoroughly research the types of features you want yours to have before ordering because unfortunately, Bad Dragon accepts returns only if the toy has a defect, so choose wisely. Grab a tape measure and calculate the size or compare it to a toy you already own for scale. Bad Dragon dildos are each unique in their own way so you want to know the one you finally order is the right match for you. Sadly, consentacles don't exist in real life, and no matter how hard you wish, they won't. But that doesn't mean this can't be a close second. I know it's mine!


Size: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★☆☆

Texture: ★★★★★

Material: ★★★★☆

Ease of use: ★★★★☆

Effectiveness: ★★★★☆

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For more info:


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April 1, 2017

Trinity Deluxe Rabbit: Hoppily Ever After


Trinity Deluxe Rabbit

Hoppily Ever After

Purchasing your first sex toy is a right of passage, that first step on the soil of sexual exploration, a declaration of, "Look at me! I'm confident enough in myself that I want to learn more about my body!" That first toy forever holds a special place in your heart the minute it touches your skin. At least, I experience that effect whenever I see a Rabbit dildo. Recently, I felt an ache of nostalgia when I remembered the moments I shared with mine years ago. I wish I could pull the old shoe box out from under my bed, open the lid and find it nestled inside, waiting patiently for me to plunge it home again. So as spring peeks around the corner and chocolate bunnies populate the grocery shelves, I will be looking back at the very first toy I ever purchased: Trinity Vibe's Deluxe Rabbit Vibrator.

In high school, I existed in a bubble that encompassed only my room with limited exposure to the outside world. So when I finally pulled on my big girl panties and decided I wanted to buy myself a dildo, I had no idea where to start. The thought of walking down to the local sex shop and bombarding the employees with questions made me cripplingly embarrassed, and asking my close friends was out of the question because no one else was sexually active yet. Thus, I turned to the wide open web for help, as I'm sure many of you can relate to too.

I conducted some feeble research into the best adult toy companies at the time and relied on the reviews of Amazon buyers for guidance. The terms "Trinity Vibes" and "rabbit" consistently surfaced with each search, so I settled on the most affordable and most intriguingly designed toy from their inventory. In December of 2009, my secret Christmas present to me arrived in the mail, and to this day, I still like to think my sex life changed for the better because of it.

At the time of purchase, the Deluxe Rabbit retailed for a reasonable $17.95 on Amazon, one of the factors that influenced my decision to order one. Even today, $20 for that quality of toy is a very affordable price for what you get. The company has since discontinued the model I used to own for an updated and considerably improved version. Unfortunately, with this newer model, the price increased dramatically to $66.99 on their official website. However, a quick search on Amazon reveals that you can own one for around $30. If you consider purchasing any of Trinity Vibe's products, please do so through Amazon or a similar marketplace site as you will save at least half the amount the company asks.

Although it sounds contradictory, I value the all-around average approach this toy provides especially when it comes to size. With a total length of 9 in (22.9 cm) and an insertable length of 5 in (12.7 cm), it offers a great all-purpose guide that I still use today to compare toys I want to add to my collection. The shaft has a 1.25 in (3.2 cm) diameter/3.9 in (9.9 cm) circumference and the head, a 1.5 in (3.8 cm) diameter/4.7 in (11.9) circumference, still an excellent average. If I need a longer, thicker toy, I base my decisions off of these dimensions, and even though I'm now a size queen, I still judge the length of my toys with the Deluxe Rabbit because it fit inside me so perfectly. The easy-to-use power switches also provide an intuitive interface that surpasses my expectations. Instead of fumbling with a dial or cycling through a dozen patterns, it has four on-off buttons: one to turn on the rotation, one to change the direction of rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise), one to turn on the vibration, and one to increase the vibration power. Simple yet effective, no additional bells and whistles needed.

The toy is smooth and slick with no surface variation aside from the beaded core, and while not necessarily a bad feature, when the fountain is flowing so to speak, sensations diminish dramatically, and I have to rely heavily on the vibrations. When this occurs, the pearls are a saving grace. When stationary, they create a pleasant bulge that pops in and out of the body but otherwise make little impact until you turn the rotation on, then enjoy the ride as those beads click and shift against one another to create a peculiar but delicious sensation at your entrance or G/P-spot. It definitely helped give me just the right push over the edge on more than one occasion.

But now I must deduct points. I don't know how Trinity Vibes constructed the original Deluxe Rabbit nor can I find the information anywhere online, but it appears they used a cheap latex and/or rubber blend as the material is less than ideal and potentially harmful. I had positive initial impressions of the toy, but after repeated use, the dildo's body degraded over time. The clear portions turned yellow, and a pervasive rubbery smell always lingered no matter how often or thoroughly I washed it. After about four years, I had no choice but to finally retire my old friend. The inner mechanics still worked like a dream as if fresh out of the box, but the rubber/latex coating deteriorated so much I felt concerned about putting it inside my body anymore. Thankfully, the updated models are phthalate and latex free and of much higher quality.

Aside from the worrisome materials, the Deluxe Rabbit possesses nearly everything I desire in an adult toy. Its sturdy yet lightweight build makes it great for any position without much discomfort, and it grew into my best friend for a between classes quickie. The ideal way I used it involved lying on my stomach against my mattress with the dildo sandwiched in between, the shaft inside me and the rotation and vibration switched to full blast. In this position, it transformed into a hands-free assistant for my naughty online escapades, and I freely used my laptop to browse while grinding against it. This did unfortunately cause me to orgasm faster than I planned because the rabbit ears are a little too on-point, but I can't hold a grudge against its efficiency. The package deal it provides is top-notch. You receive a phallus for vaginal or anal play, a powerful rotator to pleasure said areas, and an excellent clitoral stimulator for the ladies. All of this variety wrapped up into a single compact unit.

Another small but significant brownie point involves the batteries. While many small vibrators today favor obscure battery types such as the discs found in hearing aids, the Deluxe Rabbit requires just 3 AA batteries. I owned a set of rechargeable ones that I constantly swapped out of the toy so it was always charged and ready to use without requiring me to spend extra money on batteries every few weeks.

In closing, I highly recommend the Deluxe Rabbit as an essential toy box staple. Though most beneficial for the ladies, couples and possibly some fellas may also find it convenient to have one on hand. Because of its versatility, it provides a cost-effective way to stimulate several erogenous zones at once rather than acquiring different toys to achieve the same effect. I hate to throw around the phrase, "great for beginners," but I authentically believe it is. It provides a great introduction to the primary pleasure areas: penetrative (vaginal or anal), clitoral and G/P-spot, which gives you the opportunity to discover which points you prefer to have stimulated most. In my case, I learned clitoral focus is a must with vaginal as a secondary. Because of its low cost, it makes a fabulous addition for newbies and seasoned veterans alike. Given the opportunity, I wouldn't hesitate to buy myself another Rabbit and relive my high school years again.


Size: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★★☆

Material: ★★☆☆☆

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For more info:

Amazon (Discontinued)
                  Updated model

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