April 1, 2018

Gydoy Double Headed Glass Wand: Always a Curtain Puller, Never the Star (Guest Review)

Gydoy Double Headed Glass Wand

Always a Curtain Puller, Never the Star

Guest Review!

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This month, I bring you an extra special guest review from one of my regular readers! I reached out to Isyld to see if she would allow me the pleasure of interviewing her as a thank you for her kind words and continued support, and she eagerly agreed. As I mentioned briefly in the past, glass toys fall far outside my radar of experience, so including Isyld’s experiences with her own glass wand helps expand the horizons of this blog as well as my own. So, without further ado, please enjoy!

Isyld purchased her toy online via Amazon opting for something with positive reviews, discreet packaging and free shipping for Prime members. Unfortunately, she mentions Gydoy, the company behind her purchase, disabled their seller profile on Amazon and discontinued all of their toys. Further research reveals next to nothing about the company as they do not have their own website and rely solely on third-party marketplaces to sell their products. The only sites that still offer their toys give off rather seedy vibes, so I recommend avoiding them from now on and searching for similarly designed wands from other sellers. The Gydoy Wand normally retails for $16.98, but Isyld acquired hers for $12.49 with free shipping. At her time of purchase, shipping ranged from $3-6 bringing the toy to less than $25 total, a great value that unfortunately did not last. However, it is heartening to see that glass toys consistently retail online for relatively inexpensive prices even if their MSRPs trend towards the unecessary higher end. So although Gydoy no longer exists, you can still purchase glass dildos online for roughly the same price from other more reputable companies, such as Pipedream’s extensive Icicle collection. She also notes, “It came in a really fancy red box with this velvety holding bag as well. It was all rather luxurious.”

According to the dimensions provided on Amazon, the Gydoy Wand is about 7.5 in (19 cm) long with a 1.3 in (3.3 cm) diameter/4.1 in (10.4 cm) circumference at the widest point, and Isyld confirms the accuracy of these measurements. But because you do not use the entirety all at once, realistically the usable length is closer to 5 in (12.7 cm), less if shared with a partner. "As a first time sex toy, it was a good choice, but a more experienced user would probably not profit from this toy." She describes how the bulbous heads on each end make up this toy's pleasure profile and provide the focal point for stimulation despite the textures on the shaft. "I'd mainly focus on the head bulbs and think of the shaft as more of a handle than anything."

The Gydoy Wand is made from Pyrex glass, a type of borosilicate glass renowned for its durability and cleanability. “As my first toy, the material I chose was VERY important to me when making my decision. I chose Pyrex glass because it’s very body-safe and extremely easy to clean,” Isyld says. “It’s survived a couple of falls onto hardwood floor from pretty high places with not even a scratch. I’m sure it would last the rest of my life even with regular use. It’s a little heavy, and I feel like if someone ever broke into the house, I could give them quite the surprising bonk on the head!” Half of the toy offers a spiral pattern for stimulation while the other end provides a nubby texture. Unfortunately, because the bulbs on the ends are so large and require some coaxing before reaching the shaft, copious amounts of lube are necessary for the best experience. Isyld personally enjoys the twisting pattern most because it causes the toy to “naturally turn around inside you” while her partner prefers the nubs for external stimulation. “I’d say for the most part, the tightest parts of your body will notice the little nubs, but the twist pattern will get you no matter where it goes because of how rigid it is. I find the small nubs to only really be enjoyable if you are either going really fast or really slow, but not in-between.” She also describes how she and her partner attempt to pin the shaft between them and “grind it out,” but because the glass cools down too quickly for it to remain enjoyable, they usually abandon this endeavor.

While an effective anal massager, the Gydoy otherwise falls under the category of a novelty toy rather than a successful masturbation tool. “For its short-lived lifespan in our bedroom, my partner used it as a tease for me. She enjoys being dominant and powerful, but it’s hard to play rough with something like glass because it gets uncomfortable too fast.” Isyld describes how it worked wonders as a foreplay assistant, especially since she and her partner take several hours to both finish and have contrasting body types. Her partner's petite body structure prevents her from utilizing the entirety of the toy. "Even with copious amounts of lubrication, it is just too painful for her to even get the bulb inside." Isyld, on the other hand, slips the sucker in with a little jostling and a lot of lube and commences the jiggling! However, she still admits the Gydoy Wand works best as an anal toy.

Despite some setbacks and hurdles, it still spiced up their sexual endeavors and kept interactions interesting, at least for a little while. “We’d heat it up with warm water, and my partner would use it to sort of massage me. At first, it was fun to use internally, but we quickly found that the amount of lube and ensuing mess was just too much of a hassle for our needs.” Isyld discovered the toy’s full potential as a solo activity in the shower. It requires less lube, minimal clean-up and stays warm throughout the whole process unlike the cooldown they experience when transporting it to the bedroom. She also recommends it as a great toy for the fellas because its build manifests itself as the perfect prostate massager. This dildo requires copious amounts of preparation (such is the nature of glass) and limits your range of movement while using it or else you may accidentally find yourself in a world of hurt. The curve of the wand better lends to the natural shape of your body, but its rigidity means you must be mindful not to pinch your tender insides. Since Isyld’s body is built for endurance, the Gydoy Wand does not hinder her much, but she still takes care not to give herself a painful experience. “You have to go slow with glass. You absolutely cannot do a lot of hip movements with this toy. If you want to try and ride it, you will be going up and down only or else it’s going to hurt a little bit.” Other than some precautions during use, cleanup is an absolute breeze and the least of your worries. Simply use warm water and soap, or for a more intensive sanitation, boil the toy or run it through the dishwasher.

"This toy is not a superstar. It's more like a curtain puller. It'll open the door, but it's not going to finish the show. However, I do think someone who enjoys anal play would find this toy pretty refreshing." Isyld says the Gydoy Wand lost its place in her bedroom activities and only sees the light of day once or twice a year. "It has become my 'special' occasion toy, but for those moments it is very fun." Despite its lack of a lasting impression, she recommends this as a great beginner toy especially for those looking to test the waters of anal play. The bulbs act as a stopper to minimize any concerns about the toy falling out of place mid-action and also allow for use with a partner if desired or applicable. "I would never recommend this toy to an experienced user. It's just too small, and there are so many other options out there. Just remember to generously use lube and go slow!"


Size: ★★☆☆☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★☆☆

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★☆☆☆☆

Effectiveness: ★★★☆☆

Final rating: ★★★☆☆

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Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at gmail.com and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.

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