January 1, 2018

Thank You, 2017!

Thank You, 2017!

I am taking a brief winter break from writing my toy reviews to do some more..."research," haha. Your regularly scheduled program resumes on March 1, 2018. But I wanted to dedicate a post thanking everyone for the universal support I received last year. Your words of encouragement and praise provide me with the inspiration and dedication to continue posting content, and I love reading your feedback, both positive and critical. I hope 2018 proves to have even more success. I could not have done it without all of you!


Some Kind Words:

"Talented artist + writer, what a combo!" - deviantART user

"Love your style and your works! A wickedly wonderful sense of humor is the diamonds on the cake! Twitchingly arousing." - Tumblr user

"At the risk of sounding kinda crass & lowering the tone here, I just wanted to say that your recent series of big-booty Cuties gleefully flaunting their A$$ets, while cramming each & every one of their lover extremities with a ludicrous overabundance of sex toys are just Totally F***ing phenomenal!!! ❤❤❤ Thanks again for all your talented work & please keep up the amazing art!" - Tumblr user

"Great art and great review as always *cheers*" - FurAffinity user

"Thanks for the guy toy review! Interesting as ever. Maybe I'll give it a try someday on your friend's recommendation" - Tumblr user

Best Review of 2017:

The Sybian: Misconceptions About the "Master"bator

Guest Reviews:

Vulcan Vibrating Wet Vagina: Your Hand's Paid Vacation
Pipedream Deluxe Vibro Balls: Love-Hate Relationships

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Want to help contribute to the cause? Check out the blog wish list on Amazon!

Gift givers will receive a free hi-res file of the illustration promoting the item they purchased as well as a special shout-out as that month's patron.

Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at gmail.com and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.