March 1, 2018

Sex Toys 101 - Cleaning: Rinse and Repeat the Right Way

Sex Toys 101 - Cleaning:

Rinse and Repeat the Right Way

A number of my readers have inquired how to correctly take care of certain sex toys they own, so as a companion piece to Sex Toys 101: Materials (which, if you haven't already, you ought to read as an important public service announcement), I've compiled a list of the proper ways to clean your adult toys based on their material type.

Cleaning doesn't need to be labor-intensive, but certain toys do require an increased level of care. Porous toys (jellies, gels, etc.) appear deceptively easy to clean, only requiring soap and water or a cleansing toy spray, but this is due to the reality that you, as a consumer, have very little power over the production and end result of their material compositions. You can never fully sterilize these toys, not without destroying them in the process. The volatile compounds melt readily under high heat so boiling or steaming is out of the question. Surface cleaning is the only available option and will never penetrate deep enough into the toy to fully rid it of bacteria. The easiest method to avoid any unsavory guests from establishing a home on your sex toy is to consistently use a condom which  also drastically cuts down on the interaction of harmful chemicals between you and your pleasure tool.

Non-porous toys, on the other hand, provide a wider array of cleaning options for proper sterilization. Before trying any of these methods, make sure to read the packaging first to determine if you can even attempt them. A lack of knowledge and understanding may destroy your toy in the process. For example, some toys that claim to contain 100% silicone may actually be comprised of a mixture of compounds, some of which react poorly to heat. In this scenario, confident in your "silicone" dildo, you plop it into a pot of boiling water and return after five minutes to discover it transformed into a gooey mass.Toys made of 100% medical-grade silicone, glass and stainless steel withstand heat and thus go through your dishwasher or undergo a steam or boiling treatment without any issues and come out brand-spanking new. If your toy contains electronic parts however, avoid high heat and stick to just surface cleaning or else you may ruin the internal components. Also take note if your toy is waterproof or not. If a toy is motorized but not waterproof and you submerge it for too long while cleaning, obviously you will need to start looking for a replacement.

If cleaning your toy with soap and water, avoid soaps containing perfumes which can leave residue and cause genital irritation. Some perfumes may even encourage the decomposition of your toy by allowing chemical toxins to leech out more readily, especially in the case of jellies. To avoid any potential grief, always stick to mild fragrance-free soaps and thoroughly rinse off the toy before drying. Sterile sprays are another surface cleaning option and are found in adult shops or online. These contain chemicals safe for your body but destructive to bacteria, similar to how hand sanitizer works. Follow the directions on the bottle, usually requiring you to spray the toy until fully doused, let sit for a few seconds, then wipe off with a clean cloth.

Something glaringly obvious I shouldn't have to say is clean your toy shortly after you use it and, for the love of god, do not simply pop Big 'ol Bill out of you and immediately store it in your bedside table without making a trip to the bathroom first. Not only is this disgusting but also encourages bacteria to fester, some of which you may not destroy when you finally get around to cleaning your toy a few days later. It's also a good rule of thumb to give it a quick rinse off before use as well especially if it sat in storage for some time. This helps remove any dust or residue collected over time that you want to avoid putting inside you.

Lastly, before jumping into a breakdown of each toy material type and how to care for them, anal toys require a slightly different slew of cleaning necessities due to the nature of the realms they explore. When cleaning, use a fragrance-free antibacterial soap since there is a much higher level of bacterial exposure that must be kept under control. You may use a spray cleaner, but you should not solely rely on it as it will not remove most of the bacterial residue. If possible, always boil these toys after each use for thorough cleansing and peace of mind. Failure to properly clean anal toys can lead to health risks and infections to you and any partners you share it with.

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Jelly, Gel & PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

Clean-ability: ★☆☆☆☆

To most effortlessly keep these highly porous toys clean, simply use a condom right from the get-go. Rather than worry about a bacteria infestation, condoms naturally prevent most bacteria from taking root in the first place, and you only need to clean the lubricant off with soap and water. This also prevents any harmful chemicals from leeching into your body. But if you have a latex allergy or if condoms ruin the experience for you, jellies, gels and PVC toys must be cleaned with mild soap and warm water or sprayed with a toy cleaner and either air-dried or dried with a lint-free towel. If opting for a towel, the lint-free quality is important to prevent fabric fuzz from clinging to the surface thus forcing you to start all over again (hence why I personally prefer to air-dry my toys). You can never fully sterilize these toys so keeping them at the maximum cleanliness level possible is imperative. Boiling or steaming causes the compounds to break apart and melt so soap and water is the only route available.

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Skin-Like Silicone & Latex

Clean-ability: ★★☆☆☆

Skin-like silicone requires more attention and aftercare to properly preserve the longevity of this delicate material. After cleaning it with mild soap and water or a toy cleaner, dry with a lint-free cloth or let thoroughly air-dry before proceeding to the final step. Make sure the toy is absolutely dry inside and out, especially if a masturbator, then sprinkle with a toy renewal powder or cornstarch all over the surface including the inside. If not fully dry, any lingering moisture causes the powder to gum up the surface creating a mess you will have to rinse off again. This powder provides a protective layer over the silicone preventing it from sticking to itself and nearby objects and preserving the silky softness of the surface. Without this powder, the toy is vulnerable to increased surface wear which leads to microtears and cracks. Latex also requires similar care though the material tends to have more durability in comparison. But like skin-like silicone, it requires a dusting of renewal powder or cornstarch after the initial cleaning because latex is especially susceptible to sticking to anything it touches. Exposing either of these toy types to intense heat causes them to melt immediately so do not boil or steam. If you consider purchasing a toy made from one of these materials, be aware of the extra efforts expected of you for proper upkeep and longevity.

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TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) & TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber)

Clean-ability: ★★★☆☆

TPE and TPR tend to have less porosity than the previously mentioned toy materials and thus do not necessarily require a condom, although using one always decreases cleanup time afterwards. Relatively body-safe depending on the company, they clean well with soap and warm to hot (but not boiling) water or with a toy spray. Air-dry or use a lint-free towel again. While not as sticky as jelly, gel and PVC toys, fabric residue might still cling to the surface so going lint-free from the start prevents any potential rewashing.

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ABS Plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

Clean-ability: ★★★★☆

No lint-free towels required here! ABS plastic has a smooth non-porous surface so any clean cloth is fair game as long as the toy is free from cracks or sharp edges that could snag on the fabric. Although a much safer material, the compounds still fair poorly against high heat so boiling or steaming is discouraged as the plastic could warp and melt. However, ABS handles regular hot tap water well enough and cleaning it with soap works perfectly fine. If it contains electronic parts, take care not to submerge the toy unless it specifically states it's waterproof.

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Medical-Grade Silicone, Borosilicate Glass & Stainless Steel

Clean-ability: ★★★★★

Although you cannot boil or steam skin-like silicone, medical-grade silicone toys can go straight in the dishwasher! That is, as long as the toy is waterproof with no electronic elements. This type of silicone handles heat extremely well because of its stable and strong chemical bonds so you can completely sterilize the toy by either boiling or steaming it. Borosilicate glass and stainless steel toys also handle heat like pros, and like silicone, if no electronic components are at risk, can be sterilized with no worry. If boiling is your preference, bring a pot of water to a low boil and throw your toy in for about ten minutes. If your little friend is made of silicone, taking care to keep it away from the sides of the pot or it may melt. Remove, let cool and either air-dry or dry with a towel. If opting for the dishwasher route, place on the top shelf and run the cycle without any soap which essentially creates a high-powered steam bath for your buddy. Again, these methods only work for non-electronic toys as the high temperatures will damage the internal components. If your toy does contain motors and whatnot, simply wash by hand with soap and hot water. You can also use the soap and water method for a quick and simple cleanup if you do not want to deep clean it yet, though it's recommend to sterilize it once a month or so depending on the frequency of use.

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While conducting research for this review, I actually learned I clean quite a few of my own toys incorrectly, so it goes to show even "experts" make mistakes (not that I consider myself one whatsoever). Just remember that taking an extra five minutes to properly clean your toy makes the difference between a safe sexual experience and a potentially hazardous one down the road. It all depends on you and the amount of effort you're willing to put into caring for your toy. And yourself!

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