September 1, 2017

Vulcan Vibrating Wet Vagina: Your Hand's Paid Vacation (Guest Review)

Vulcan Vibrating Wet Vagina

Your Hand's Paid Vacation

Guest Review!

This month's review is brought to you by:

I experienced quite a pleasant surprise when I discovered how many male readers enjoy my blog. I've received several comments of encouragement and praise (thank you!). Yet at the same time, I feel guilty that I cannot provide a more relatable experience for them given the types of toys I usually discuss. But fret no more! With the help of a friend of mine, I give you an extra-special review this month dedicated to all of my gentlemen readers. My friend, Nick, graciously offered to let me interview him about his experience with his first-ever toy. And so, without further delay, here is a look at a product just for the fellas from Vulcan's line of male masturbators.

I frequent a lovely adult store called Spice2Nite that has some of the warmest and most laid-back staff. Until meeting me, Nick had never set foot in a sex shop before, so I accompanied him for moral support and as a guide to offer the best advice I could. While I lack a dick and will never know which sensations work best for that type of equipment, I know which materials are safe and which ones to steer clear from. He knew he wanted a straightforward beginner's toy, and since the male-specific section was fairly small, it made decision-making much easier.

Vulcan had its own shelf of products ranging from "Ripe Mouth" to "Wet Anus" all for under $30. It surprises me how inexpensive the male toys cost in comparison to women's and couples' toys which range anywhere from $20 to $200, yet for the low low price of only $22.99 (the amount Nick paid for his), you still receive roughly the same quality as a higher-end ladies' toy. Nick, even with his lack of experience, agreed it was a fair price. But on the other hand, the cheap price tag also means this toy does not last as long as dildo, so don't be surprised if you need to purchase another one in a month or two depending on your frequency of use. Proper care will ensure a longer lifespan, but eventually you will need to replace it.

The Wet Vagina comes in a stiff plastic tube with a pop-off cap that perfectly fits the toy itself. The masturbation sleeve is 2.6 in (6.5 cm) wide and 5.9 in (15 cm) long, although the insertable length is 5 in (12.7 cm). The vaginal opening is a slim 0.75 in (1.9 cm) providing a tight canal to push into. Despite the seemingly shallow insertable length, Nick has an average 6 in (15.2 cm) penis and uses the full length of the Wet Vagina without much concern for the depth. Only when he uses full force does the toy "bottom out." Overall, the product offers a good size and ease of travel and concealment because of the subtlety of the all-white carrying case.

The case, as mentioned, is made from a no-frills plastic, but the penetrable sleeve is made purely of a white, super soft silicone designed to resemble flesh for a life-like sensation. As a side note, in order to maintain the silky softness of this type of toy, it's important to coat the outside and inside with a special powder after cleaning to maintain its longevity. That said, I believe I should have educated Nick on preserving his toy in this way because I doubt he knew about this powder, and this may be why the tear developed shortly after purchase. Despite the heavenly softness of the sleeve, the material is not exceptionally durable. After only three uses, a slit developed at the vaginal entrance and continued to increase in size with repeated use. The toy still functions well, but it has since acquired several more micro-tears and was eventually retired. This might be due to Nick's size, his method of use or improper maintenance, but regardless of these factors, the silicone is still so very delicate for such a rough purpose that I'm not at all surprised these problems appeared. In addition, using the sleeve without the tube for support is rather difficult. Without the case, it requires a consistent grip in order to keep the toy's shape and provide the right amount of friction while in use, which grows tiring on the hands. Keeping the sleeve in the case alleviates this need and allows you to enjoy the Wet Vagina without worrying about proper pressure or form.

Inside the sleeve, the Wet Vagina offers a series of ribs and ridges to simulate a real vagina though not 100% accurately of course. Even though the texture is not completely realistic, Nick says it still feels quite nice, though he complains the sensations dull down and numb him after prolonged use. Despite this, he claims it contributes to better and stronger climaxes than if he used only his hand. The Wet Vagina comes with a bullet vibrator that clips to the base of the tube and produces five different patterns at one speed strength. Nick, however, often opts out of using this accessory. Even when in place, the noise eliminates any prospect of subtlety or stealth. Although he says it adds a smidgen to the pleasure, the buzzing it creates automatically makes it not worth the trouble.

As mentioned, one of the most appealing factors of this toy involves its ease of storage. Nick frequently brings the Wet Vagina to work and keeps it on hand just in case the workday is slow and he needs a distraction to pass the time. The hand-sized case makes it easy to pull out of a drawer, plop down in an office chair and slide off your pants and boxers, squirt a dollop of lube and have at it. However, because this toy absolutely requires lubrication, it prevents it from being completely on-the-go friendly. Quickies are out of the question because of the time-consuming clean-up, but the mess is generally easy enough to manage. Taking the cap off alone is a trial in itself however. It reminds Nick of a child safety cap where you have to push and twist and maneuver it off with a fair amount of force. The smooth plastic also prevents this from being an easy feat since the smooth surface makes it difficult to grasp it with a firm grip.

In spite of some of these minor drawbacks, overall Nick agrees the Wet Vagina is an effective tool especially for the cost. Although not anywhere near as pleasurable as the real deal, it offers a nice alternative to your hand and a great assist for when the mood strikes. Although lube is required, the mess is contained, and a relatively simple clean-up also means you skip any forethought or preparation beforehand. He recommends it to anyone who desires a little something more than Mr. Lefty can offer without putting intensive thought or money into a toy. It also provides a little spice for mutual masturbation when breaking out of solo play and introducing a partner. So if you're packing the right equipment and are considering what to purchase as a first toy, give Vulcan's line of masturbators a try!


Size: ★★★★☆

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★☆☆ 

Material: ★★★★☆

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★

For more info:

Spice2Nite Website

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Want to be a guest reviewer on the blog?
Send an email to missannabellehawkins !at and we can set up an interview! Guests also receive a hi-res file of their toy illustration.