July 1, 2017

Shibari Halo Wand: A Match Made in Heaven

Shibari Halo Wand

A Match Made in Heaven

As much as I enjoyed sex in my slightly younger years, it ultimately became something of a chore. Because I required clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, it made the act cumbersome and borderline frustrating. No matter what position I tried, arms had to twist under bodies, hands had to wedge between stomachs, and muscles screamed at me to just give up already. Countless heated endeavors ended in lackluster release or tears of discouragement. When my relationship with my lady became serious in the bedroom, I knew I finally needed to do something to address this predicament. I always wanted to own a wand massager ever since I first learned of their existence and heard nothing but rave reviews about them, but the universally high price tag made me shy away from purchasing one. But as my birthday approached, I decided it was time to treat myself to change the dynamic of my sex life for the better and ease my bedroom troubles for good.

While I still lived in Ohio, I occasionally visited a local adult store called The Garden, a clean and pleasant shop with some of the cutest and friendliest staff around. I explained to the girl staffed downstairs that I was looking for something powerful yet easy to use without breaking the bank, and she recommended the Shibari Halo Wand. She patiently unboxed one for me to handle, and I knew as soon as I pressed the power button that this was the solution to my bedroom griefs. I paid approximately $80 for the wand in-store, and while I think it a fair price for the quality of toy, I can't help but wish I purchased it online instead. You can find the same toy now for only $20-$30 on various marketplace sites. But I understand that when you buy a product in a store versus online, you are essentially paying for the customer service and hands-on experience. You have the opportunity to ask questions from knowledgeable and helpful staff while also testing the product before committing to it. I was also on the road frequently at the time so having it shipped to me wasn't feasible.

The Shibari Halo Wand is 12 in (30.5 cm) long, and the bulb has a diameter of 1.9 in (4.8 cm)/6.25 in (15.9 cm) circumference. It has a pleasantly light weight of 8.75 oz (248 g) most of which is centered into the "business end" making it very easy to handle, and because the head makes up the bulk of the toy, it allows more surface area coverage and provides a greater range of stimulation without being obscenely huge. The tapered handle also offers a solid area to grasp and makes it suitable for all hand sizes.

I love the overall aesthetic of the wand, a sleek and streamlined design with one clear purpose that it performs amazingly well. The straightforward two-tone coloration also appeals to me as I tend to favor modern, "sterile" and crisp appearances in my toys. The handle is consistently white between models but the tip comes in either black, purple or pink (I opted for black for contrast). The head is made from a high-quality silky silicone and a durable and smooth ABS plastic body, both of which are non-porous, phthalate and latex free and easy to clean. Because the handle is made from plastic rather than silicone, it allows gripping it with sweaty hands a breeze despite the dramatic taper. However, especially in my lady's case, rings and other hand jewelry can cause a loud rattle against the plastic which erases any subtlety.

The Shibari Halo Wand definitely saved and enhanced my sex life. Very rarely do I ever masturbate or have intercourse without it. It provides me the hands-free, easy-to-achieve orgasm I desperately crave. Solo play becomes a walk in the park, and sex is now intense and dirty. It delivers both relaxing releases and earth-shattering climaxes depending on my preference for the evening, and I adore pairing it with non-vibrating toys for an amplified experience. Not only does it feel amazing for me, but incorporating it during sex feels great for both parties (my lady and I have since dubbed it our "Magic Mic"). My position of choice has me with panties off lying flat on my stomach or with my hips slightly raised to supply me with maximum surface contact and pressure. My lady prefers to use it one-handed on her back to browse porn with her free hand and massage herself at her leisure. We love that in both circumstances it gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

Nothing in my experience thus far works as easily as the Halo Wand. Simply turn it on and go! It features two buttons, one that cycles through the two vibration strengths and eight patterns and one that turns it on and off entirely. And, best of all, this wand is USB rechargeable and cordless. A nearly invisible hole in the back hides the charging port, and the cord is compatible with any standard USB charger or charging station. The head is also slightly bendable so it contorts with your body under pressure and allows you to grind against it without worrying that it may break or snap.

The biggest issue I have involves the buttons. The layout is in a teardrop shape but both buttons are the same size. Because there is no indicator for which side turns the toy on or off except through memorization, I have a fifty-fifty chance of accidentally turning the wand off in the middle of a heated session, especially if I have it upside-down. The button press is also much too delicate, an issue many other reviewers have also expressed. This sensitivity prevents the Halo Wand from being travel friendly. Every time I've packed it in a duffel bag, at some point during the trip something bumps against it and causes the bag to vibrate very loudly to my horror. While the vibration on its own is not necessarily loud, it is noticeable. This is not a stealthy toy and is best kept exclusively at home. Both my lady and I also agree that the patterns are rather disappointing. Advertising numerous patterns in a toy never appealed to me because both she and I prefer a strong steady vibration. She exclusively uses the very first setting while I use the first two, both of which are simply a flat drone with no rhythm change-up. Neither of us have ever used the teasing patterns which are much too varied and alternate too quickly to be stimulating. At this point, they only pose a distraction. She especially desires a constant pulse, something resembling a consistent machine-gun or rapid fire pattern which the Halo Wand fails to offer. Many of the settings start off feeling great but then change immediately so we stick to the first two.

Unfortunately, after about three years of frequent use, Magic Mic finally reached the end of his life cycle. When I rotate the bulb, the neck emits a crackling noise most likely indicating a snapped connector or chipped plastic, and pressing your fingers into said area reveals a few broken pieces from the handle. The wand still works as well as it did when I first took it out of the box, but because of the loose fragments, the vibrations are much louder and have a distinct rattle that was not present before. Thankfully, because this toy is so affordable online, I don't need to distress about replacing it.

Despite these drawbacks, the wand is extremely effective. Unlike many vibrators, the Halo Wand offers powerful stimulation without tickling or numbing the area, a slow and deep vibration rather than fast and weak. The head encompasses and disperses the sensation so I no longer have to worry about proper clitoral stimulation anymore. It also helps during awkward sexual positions where only using my hand would cause fatigue or simply get in the way. I cannot recommend this toy highly enough, and is an absolute must for any lady experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm. The potent and penetrating vibrations cut my stimulation time in half, and I can't imagine having sex today without it!


Size: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★☆

Texture: ★★★★★ 

Material: ★★★★★

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★

For more info:

Shibari Website

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