April 1, 2017

Trinity Deluxe Rabbit: Hoppily Ever After


Trinity Deluxe Rabbit

Hoppily Ever After

Purchasing your first sex toy is a right of passage, that first step on the soil of sexual exploration, a declaration of, "Look at me! I'm confident enough in myself that I want to learn more about my body!" That first toy forever holds a special place in your heart the minute it touches your skin. At least, I experience that effect whenever I see a Rabbit dildo. Recently, I felt an ache of nostalgia when I remembered the moments I shared with mine years ago. I wish I could pull the old shoe box out from under my bed, open the lid and find it nestled inside, waiting patiently for me to plunge it home again. So as spring peeks around the corner and chocolate bunnies populate the grocery shelves, I will be looking back at the very first toy I ever purchased: Trinity Vibe's Deluxe Rabbit Vibrator.

In high school, I existed in a bubble that encompassed only my room with limited exposure to the outside world. So when I finally pulled on my big girl panties and decided I wanted to buy myself a dildo, I had no idea where to start. The thought of walking down to the local sex shop and bombarding the employees with questions made me cripplingly embarrassed, and asking my close friends was out of the question because no one else was sexually active yet. Thus, I turned to the wide open web for help, as I'm sure many of you can relate to too.

I conducted some feeble research into the best adult toy companies at the time and relied on the reviews of Amazon buyers for guidance. The terms "Trinity Vibes" and "rabbit" consistently surfaced with each search, so I settled on the most affordable and most intriguingly designed toy from their inventory. In December of 2009, my secret Christmas present to me arrived in the mail, and to this day, I still like to think my sex life changed for the better because of it.

At the time of purchase, the Deluxe Rabbit retailed for a reasonable $17.95 on Amazon, one of the factors that influenced my decision to order one. Even today, $20 for that quality of toy is a very affordable price for what you get. The company has since discontinued the model I used to own for an updated and considerably improved version. Unfortunately, with this newer model, the price increased dramatically to $66.99 on their official website. However, a quick search on Amazon reveals that you can own one for around $30. If you consider purchasing any of Trinity Vibe's products, please do so through Amazon or a similar marketplace site as you will save at least half the amount the company asks.

Although it sounds contradictory, I value the all-around average approach this toy provides especially when it comes to size. With a total length of 9 in (22.9 cm) and an insertable length of 5 in (12.7 cm), it offers a great all-purpose guide that I still use today to compare toys I want to add to my collection. The shaft has a 1.25 in (3.2 cm) diameter/3.9 in (9.9 cm) circumference and the head, a 1.5 in (3.8 cm) diameter/4.7 in (11.9) circumference, still an excellent average. If I need a longer, thicker toy, I base my decisions off of these dimensions, and even though I'm now a size queen, I still judge the length of my toys with the Deluxe Rabbit because it fit inside me so perfectly. The easy-to-use power switches also provide an intuitive interface that surpasses my expectations. Instead of fumbling with a dial or cycling through a dozen patterns, it has four on-off buttons: one to turn on the rotation, one to change the direction of rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise), one to turn on the vibration, and one to increase the vibration power. Simple yet effective, no additional bells and whistles needed.

The toy is smooth and slick with no surface variation aside from the beaded core, and while not necessarily a bad feature, when the fountain is flowing so to speak, sensations diminish dramatically, and I have to rely heavily on the vibrations. When this occurs, the pearls are a saving grace. When stationary, they create a pleasant bulge that pops in and out of the body but otherwise make little impact until you turn the rotation on, then enjoy the ride as those beads click and shift against one another to create a peculiar but delicious sensation at your entrance or G/P-spot. It definitely helped give me just the right push over the edge on more than one occasion.

But now I must deduct points. I don't know how Trinity Vibes constructed the original Deluxe Rabbit nor can I find the information anywhere online, but it appears they used a cheap latex and/or rubber blend as the material is less than ideal and potentially harmful. I had positive initial impressions of the toy, but after repeated use, the dildo's body degraded over time. The clear portions turned yellow, and a pervasive rubbery smell always lingered no matter how often or thoroughly I washed it. After about four years, I had no choice but to finally retire my old friend. The inner mechanics still worked like a dream as if fresh out of the box, but the rubber/latex coating deteriorated so much I felt concerned about putting it inside my body anymore. Thankfully, the updated models are phthalate and latex free and of much higher quality.

Aside from the worrisome materials, the Deluxe Rabbit possesses nearly everything I desire in an adult toy. Its sturdy yet lightweight build makes it great for any position without much discomfort, and it grew into my best friend for a between classes quickie. The ideal way I used it involved lying on my stomach against my mattress with the dildo sandwiched in between, the shaft inside me and the rotation and vibration switched to full blast. In this position, it transformed into a hands-free assistant for my naughty online escapades, and I freely used my laptop to browse while grinding against it. This did unfortunately cause me to orgasm faster than I planned because the rabbit ears are a little too on-point, but I can't hold a grudge against its efficiency. The package deal it provides is top-notch. You receive a phallus for vaginal or anal play, a powerful rotator to pleasure said areas, and an excellent clitoral stimulator for the ladies. All of this variety wrapped up into a single compact unit.

Another small but significant brownie point involves the batteries. While many small vibrators today favor obscure battery types such as the discs found in hearing aids, the Deluxe Rabbit requires just 3 AA batteries. I owned a set of rechargeable ones that I constantly swapped out of the toy so it was always charged and ready to use without requiring me to spend extra money on batteries every few weeks.

In closing, I highly recommend the Deluxe Rabbit as an essential toy box staple. Though most beneficial for the ladies, couples and possibly some fellas may also find it convenient to have one on hand. Because of its versatility, it provides a cost-effective way to stimulate several erogenous zones at once rather than acquiring different toys to achieve the same effect. I hate to throw around the phrase, "great for beginners," but I authentically believe it is. It provides a great introduction to the primary pleasure areas: penetrative (vaginal or anal), clitoral and G/P-spot, which gives you the opportunity to discover which points you prefer to have stimulated most. In my case, I learned clitoral focus is a must with vaginal as a secondary. Because of its low cost, it makes a fabulous addition for newbies and seasoned veterans alike. Given the opportunity, I wouldn't hesitate to buy myself another Rabbit and relive my high school years again.


Size: ★★★★★

Cost: ★★★★★

Texture: ★★★★☆

Material: ★★☆☆☆

Ease of use: ★★★★★

Effectiveness: ★★★★★

Final rating: ★★★★☆

For more info:

Amazon (Discontinued)
                  Updated model

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